PEQ Server Migration and Update

Discussion in 'News' started by Akkadius, Jan 22, 2020.

By Akkadius on Jan 22, 2020 at 3:33 AM
  1. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    As noted in previous threads; ProjectEQ has undergone a server migration, a hardware upgrade as well as an entire tech stack upgrade. ProjectEQ now entirely runs on containerized technology

    This will help us in preparation for some future plans to be announced within the next few months

    • No more server reboots, we will be keeping the server online as long as need (or until we need to reset or reload content)
    • Zone times should be much faster
    • Server response times overall should definitely be noticeably snappier
    • Web tools are hooked back up

    If you have not had a chance to update your Loginserver host and you primarily use ProjectEQ's Loginserver to login, make sure you update your eqhost.txt file to point to

    If anyone notices anything broken out of the ordinary please feel free to respond in thread


    The ProjectEQ Team
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2020
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Discussion in 'News' started by Akkadius, Jan 22, 2020.

    1. Thorny954
      Will this impact corpse recovery and Shadowrest?
    2. Drogerin
      We will be discussing this.

      To answer your question, yes for now it will impact your corpse recovery since the server does not restart.
    3. Major Headache
      Major Headache
      I have not found a thread on this yet, thus I am posting here first... Is there a workaround for changing HOT zones? Or are we staying in the current set for now? (the end of last month's set?)

      Thanks Akka , Drog and team for the hard work and migration, and just upkeep in general! So glad I came back! ;P
    4. Drogerin
      We’re working on something that will work which doesn’t require the server to cycle. Until akk gets some time only a manual reboot of server will change the hotzones but I believe we are avoiding that right now.
    5. Gaellespie
      Hey, I have a suggestion that will make EVERYONE happy. Take all hot zones currently in rotation and make them effective hot zones all at the same time and forget the rotation. I get that the idea is to add flavor encouraging players into different zones and keep it nostalgic...

      However, I find that there are commonly not enough hot zones to go around anyway. I don't think the point of hot zones is to cause conflict between players.
    6. Drogerin
      Because this is not how live works. We are working on a way to mimic live.
    7. Akkadius
      For now, we are on our original hotzone schedule

      What is now live

      This will be rotated on the fly until we change this system up in the future
    8. Major Headache
      Major Headache
      Thanks for updates Drog.... and the hot patch to avoid taking servers down Akka!!