MPG Raid Trials now available

Discussion in 'General' started by Athrogate, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Athrogate

    Athrogate GM Staff Member

    MPG Raid Trials are now available.

    The anguish quest pieces are not being awarded at this time as the Anguish quest is not in place and we want to make sure the events are teased out and accurate before the quest pieces are in place.

    In the mean time enjoy the loots and adventures.

    Report Bugs that you find.
  2. kiladiveus

    kiladiveus Orc Centurion

    Thank you for your hard effort and feeding our addiction =)
  3. kiladiveus

    kiladiveus Orc Centurion

    Just a question, is there a way to reset the trial if we fail/wipe? I did a mistake of not going completely inside the room and i get instant kill penalty. Corpses popped by hate/fear area which is nice btw, but when i tried to go in, the event still runs and get instant killed. Are we left of having to wait for the instance to expire for reset?
  4. cream

    cream GM Staff Member

    mpg raid trials (at least most) do not reset, you have to wait until the instance expires and re-request. also, the graveyard for ALL instances is at the Projection of Mind (fear/hate) as a fyi, rather difficult to fix that for now.
  5. Melkizeel

    Melkizeel Orc Pawn

    Awesome !
    Thanks a ton for the hard work guys !
  6. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    Thanks a ton, awesome raid and adventure ahead!

    I notice 3* bugs
    1. Upon completing Trial of Hatred, my SK that died had no lock out (or a 2h one) while the others (the one that lives to see the master of hate die) have 5d.
    2. In the trial of Corruption, waves spawn on a time base. From what I read online and on github - the next wave suppose to spawn when all mobs from the previous waves are dead, no?
    3. In the trial of Endurance, no adds spawned. And when the 2 Ancient Dragorns died, no chest spawn either... *no lockouts either.

    Thanks again,

  7. Athrogate

    Athrogate GM Staff Member


  8. kiladiveus

    kiladiveus Orc Centurion

    Thanks Athro, Endurance is working now =).
  9. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    Thanks Athro,

    Did not notice for Hatred lockout - but I definitely noticed the trial of corruption being wave-based and not timed!

    Fun raids!
  10. Athrogate

    Athrogate GM Staff Member

    I had a couple different people telling me this seemed to spawning based on time not mobs killed. I think it was mobs killed just early for some reason.

    I made a change last week to try to fix the "early". But since I never could reproduce "early" on my test server I don't know if it fixed it or not. But still looking at it.
  11. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    It was definitely spawning upon the death of the last mob from the previous wave.
  12. wargasm

    wargasm Orc Pawn

    Concur with KM, the fix has made it live like and waves now only spawn upon death of last mob in previous wave rather than being time based / triggered by a specific mob kill in current wave.

    Many thanks!
  13. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    Hi there,
    Is it normal that MPG Foresight just stop as soon as one toon die?
    I know zam is not a reliable source most of the time - and may not be on this case either - but,

    Just checking in to see if its normal, else I have a blast running those instance with the guild.
  14. Fairen Height

    Fairen Height Orc Centurion

    Yup. Need to be on your toes!
  15. acatu

    acatu A Griffin

    On live at the omens launch Foresight did not stop with the death of a toon. I remember finishing it with very few people several times because we watch the tards die out.
  16. Kilz

    Kilz Administrator Staff Member


    I have not tested this one on the test server, but I will say that back in the day, 1 death did not equal failure.
  17. Athrogate

    Athrogate GM Staff Member

    When I've observed playing on TEST. If a toon died then the event ended for Foresight. It was a small number of people, but death = fail.

    I would need more information to know what the threshold is. And no your memory isn't sufficent for me to go make a change. Get some people together and go test it.
  18. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    From what I see online, this have been changed towards 1 death = fail later on.
    Bonzz guide for instance :
    Talks about
    I don't see any fail conditions in that guide - suggesting that the raid is a failure if the raid wipe or something... -
    Nonetheless, both zam and Bonzz explicitely talks about death = more emote to less players.

    Thanks again Athro, those events are nice to run with the guild !
  19. Athrogate

    Athrogate GM Staff Member

    I logged on with Huff and sat and watch that if 1 toon died in Foresight = Failed event. I think there were only 6 toons or not very many. But 1 toon dies = Fail.

    Maybe there is a thresh hold (80% living or 18 people alive or something) I just don't know what that is. Foresight is the only trial that we noticed that 1 death = instant fail.

    And the Bonz / Zam guides are nice, but they are based on a point in time and peoples memories / observations. And right now my observation on live is that 1 death = fail.
  20. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    I can't agree more with you on the fact that Bonzz and Zam are nice and can be really unreliable.
    As we can all read on that particular Bonzz's post :
    Some of the stuff they say is completely esoteric while some other observations/advise seems more like an accurate observation of reality. Nonetheless, I do not have any live character under my belt (it is a long-run project that I haven't done yet). I'm just pointing out that both Zam & Bonzz seems to point out that dieing do not stop the event but makes it harder for other character.

    In any way, this is all good stuff and I'm going to continue tweaking my macro untill me and my guild succeed this!

    Thanks again to all the dev that goes on test and log stuff for the community!