There are no stupid questions...

Discussion in 'E3' started by Ridiculous, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. Ridiculous

    Ridiculous Orc Pawn

    Well that may not be true.

    I am trying to make a buff bot kind of like what Xcrom had/has been doing. I have a macro started, but am still learning how to effectively write macros. I have a very (very VERY) basic buff bot macro written but am trying to add the whole level check piece and cast the appropriate spell(s).

    Anyway - I was curious if it is possible to use more than one /CheckFor|<SpellName> in the bot.ini files.


    ;Cleric 70
    Group Buff=Hand of Conviction
    Group Buff=Balikor's Mark
    Group Buff=Aura of Devotion
    ;Cleric 65
    Group Buff=Hand of Virtue/CheckFor|Hand of Conviction
    Group Buff=Symbol of Kazad/CheckFor|Balikor's Mark
    Group Buff=Blessing of Devotion/CheckFor|Aura of Devotion
    ;Cleric 60
    Group Buff=Blessing of Aegolism/CheckFor|Hand of Conviction/CheckFor|Hand of Virtue
    Group Buff=Marzin's Mark/CheckFor|Symbol of Kazad/CheckFor|Balikor's Mark
    Group Buff=Blessing of Reverence/CheckFor|Blessing of Devotion/CheckFor|Aura of Devotion
    ;Cleric 46
    Group Buff=Blessing of Temperance/CheckFor|Blessing of Aegolish/CheckFor|Hand of Conviction/CheckFor|Hand of Virtue
    Group Buff=Blessing of Faith/CheckFor|Blessing of Reverence/CheckFor|Blessing of Reverence/CheckFor|Blessing of Devotion/CheckFor|Aura of Devotion
    Clearly the most obvious way to see if this works is to do it. (JUST DO IT!!) Though I am currently at work and have guests staying with me for a few days at home (who are shacked up in my office where I play). So I was curious if anyone has tried/done this whilst I am sitting here with very little to do at work.
  2. Ridiculous

    Ridiculous Orc Pawn

    Answered my own question. Looking at the code. Going to say no.