Easy Slot lookup

Discussion in 'General' started by trpling, Dec 30, 2018.

  1. trpling

    trpling Orc Centurion

    I had a problem where I want to see information from x amount of characters but I want to see it in a table lookup with some filtering options. Basically I parse the html from magelo import into a database and boom. This is what I ended up with.
    I might consider hosting it or whatever but here is a rough draft with the general purposes working I just need to clean it up to look pretty.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
  2. Zyrek

    Zyrek Orc Pawn

    That's pretty useful i would be interested in this.
  3. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    Would def be interested in this too. I was thinking of doing the same for flags/keys too.

    Sorry for the noob question but where does one get ahold of magelo imports, or are you literally parsing the HTML of a magelo page per toon?
  4. trpling

    trpling Orc Centurion

    Parsing the html for each toon and storing the information in sql database. As far as I know there is no magelo import. I already have something for the flags that i'm currently working on (I had an old python script that scraped for flags). The only problem is i'm more of a back end guy not front end but I know enough to get by. The aesthetically pleasing part is probably going to take a while.
  5. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    base HTML5 is more pleasing to me cuz css just makes shit break :)