Change I made to Proc Buffs

Discussion in 'E3' started by trpling, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. trpling

    trpling Orc Centurion

    Line 8 currently:

    /if (!${medBreak} && ${procBuff} && !${idle} && ${BuffCombatCheck} && !${Me.Moving}) /call buffProcs

    Basically checks if you are medding if you have proc buff on you aren't idle and if you have combatbuffs and if you aren't moving.

    I changed to this.

    /if (!${medBreak} && ${procBuff} && !${idle} && !${Me.Moving}) /call buffProcs

    The reason being if you have CombatBuff blank where you don't specify one it will always fail.
    You are being forced to put something in CombatBuff line even if you don't use them.
    It just ignores the check for CombatBuffs but it checks for the procBuff so all same same.
  2. Bmars06

    Bmars06 Orc Pawn

    What's the reason for the change? Something not working before? I'm lost.
  3. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    His change makes it so that your shaman/ench does not need a Combat Buff= line in their ini for proc buffs to work.
  4. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    But you have just bypassed your toggle.
    /bc toggle combat buffs on and /bc toggle combat buffs off

    With this fix proc buffs will now continue even when you toggle off the combat buffs.

    If you're going to do this. Can you take it a step further and make a proc buff toggle serperately than the combatbuff one.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  5. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    I've always just used a /varset procBuff TRUE/FALSE rather than the combat buff toggle, since the procBuff variable is a boolean separate from any other buff logic (i.e. I don't need to turn off all combat buffs just to turn off procBuff).

    I guess I could add an event/event_SUB with some feedback, but seemed unnecessary. the /varset is clean, quick, and only affects procBuffs.
  6. Zyrek

    Zyrek Orc Pawn

    I am having an issue with my shamans casting proc buff and combat buffs non stop both of them even when out of combat i know its not related to this change but still kind of the same topic i was wondering if anyone else experienced this and how did you fix it or should i redownload E3 cause something is broke ?
  7. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    I wouldn't do this fix. Seems like making more issues.
  8. trpling

    trpling Orc Centurion

    The only issue would be you can't shut it off but I did another change a while back.
    Changed it to that line so now they only cast proc buffs in combat which is what I want.

    /if (!${medBreak} && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COMBAT]} && ${procBuff} && !${idle} && !${Me.Moving}) /call buffProcs
  9. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    can always toggle on/off with a /varset like i said earlier. It's what I use.

    /varset procBuff TRUE/FALSE (just gotta make sure to do the varset on the procbuffer with a /bc of course)