Question on char limits

Discussion in 'General' started by Draxten, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. Draxten

    Draxten Orc Pawn

    At this time I'm botting 6 toons and leveling slowly, but surely. I was thinking of making another 6 once I get the first somewhat geared and decently AA'd. There are a few more classes I'd like to have, but dont know that I'll ever go past 12. How bad will this limit my experience on the server? Do people openly let others tag along on different things? I've never done CoA on live and quit shortly after DoN but would like to one day do CoA. It will be a while but I'm just curious as to what my limits may be once I get 12 chars to 70.
  2. Kilz

    Kilz Administrator Staff Member

    Very likely you could find someone to let you tag along/help. Most folks are pretty friendly.