Unable to load account

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by Gaellespie, Nov 2, 2019.

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  1. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    Several weeks ago I created an account on the eqemu site and was able to link the account on this side here.
    Tonight I tried to load up the account, but I'm having issues when using the peq host.
    So I changed eqhost.txt to point to login.eqemulator.net:5999 and successfully created a toon. Now I've set back the eqhost.txt to peq settings and still cannot load the account. I tried to reset the password and the error I get is below. I verified that I have the correct password with eqemu and everything seems to be correct on that side. I wonder if someone could blow away the link and then had me re-link it again if that would resolve my issue... Thoughts?

  2. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    If someone could please just reset the PW for me and PM me, I think that should be enough. All errors are PW errors.
  3. Tuono72

    Tuono72 Orc Pawn

    maybe you are tryng to log in directly on peq server...
    click the [Game Accounts] tab on forum,
    [Link from Eqemulator] then enter your in game l
    ogin/password to enable that account for direct peq login
  4. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    I created these accounts and linked them today. I was shown confirmation they were linked successfully. These are all now manifesting the same exact issue as the original one mentioned above, which by the way was never addressed.

    It's understood that you're busy dealing with more exciting issues, but a response of some kind would be appreciated. As far as I can tell there is nothing more I can try to resolve this issue. I would be pacified with the suggestion to just go make new accounts, but that is exactly what I did today to no avail.


  5. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    I'm trying to create new toons as well and have similar issues. I have successfully changed the password on EQEmulator www.eqemulator.org but I still get a password error when trying to logon. I also tried to reset all accounts via sms, and I still get the same issues, my other 18 (now 19) accounts work fine.
    Here's what I've done:
    • Changed individual account password on eqemulator.org
    • changed the passwords to something different
    • reset all account passwords on eqemulator.org via sms verification
    note: I made 6 new accounts, 1 works, the other 5 do not.
    After trying and trying I don't think the issue is with PEQ side, but I thought I'd post this regardless for anyone else having issues. I probably will create a forum post on EQEmu forum.

    Question for Gaellespie: What date were all the accounts created on? I'm looking for a pattern. My "faulty" accounts were created from Oct 15th to Nov 29th.
  6. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    eon, in the original issue the account info was made over 2 months ago. The last 6 accounts I mentioned above were made Wednesday. I'm in the process of trying to make another 6 accounts right now, will let you know how that goes.
  7. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    Thanks, I was considering just making 2 new eqemu accounts and creating the 6 newer loginserver accounts (3 each) instead. Even though I just made one of the loginserver accounts today.
  8. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    Confirmed just made another account and have the same issue again. Sorry to hear someone else is having the same issue.
  9. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    FYI, per the guide on this website I use the first host on ALL 54 of my current active accounts. Neither the first nor second will allow me to log in with ROF with the accounts mentioned above.

  10. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

  11. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    Gaellespie, I'm sorry to hear you're having issues. This is the first time I've heard of anyone having issues using the account management, apparently a few have been having issues as of recent

    I'd like to get to the bottom of it, if you could contact me on Discord so we can work through this faster, we can sort out what's happening and when we do it potentially may be related to what others are running into as well
  12. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    Alright so I had someone reach out to me on Discord who had related issues and I believe I have narrowed down the scope of what is happening here.

    The root cause should be fixed now but in the interim, everyone who was affected will need to re-link the accounts that were having issues.

    We were having rarer scenarios where an account would be validated, perform a link but then for some strange reason the account creation would not go through successfully - so we had a link with no account

    I've purged 43 accounts that have been stuck in this state and after relinking affected accounts you all should be good to go, please respond if you continue to experience weird issues and we can get to the bottom of the issue
  13. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    Sorry to report that I re-linked all the above accounts and still have password issues, will try to reach out to you on discord if it isn't too late.
  14. clippy

    clippy A Griffin


    Above you posted eqhost.txt content.
    I am wondering if this is causing the login issue for you.
    No lines should begin with :: as in your content. The correct character to comment out a line with should be ;

    a corrected eqhost.txt should look like this
  15. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    Bandy, I appreciate the input, but I do not think this is the issue. All other 54 accounts have not had a problem.

    I'm pretty sure the line comments are valid. I found this method of commenting somewhere else in the forum, though I can't seem to find it now.
  16. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    FYI, this has been resolved and I can load these accounts now. Thanks to everyone who looked into this issue and helped me get this squared away.
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