Optimizing my group of 12

Discussion in 'General' started by bogre, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. bogre

    bogre Orc Centurion

    Looking for help with healers especially for my 12. Both tanks have over 3k ac and like 16k hp
    I have well over 400aa on pretty much my whole team. All defensive capped and 290 defense on everyone too. Most have mpg, qvic and anguish pieces. None are maxed out besides the tanks and maybe the shaman

    How do I optimize my clerics Mana for healing the tank during tougher encounters such as 1.5 fights?

    I'm struggling with windrush for the monk 1.5 because the wild rampages are so ridiculous. I have tried a mtm command group heals etc but my dps just gets obliterated and I end up taking for 4 minutes while my shaman heals cause my clerics are oom and my whole dps group is dead at like 50%

    Should I split the clerics to have one focus on the dps only? Is there a good way to

    Sk or war (2.0) both qvic, tacvi, mpg anguish geared
    Bard 2.0
    Cleric 2.0
    Bst mpg anguish weapons
    Mnk (close to 2.0) fangs and anguish offhand

    Sham anguish tacvi mpg geared
    Rog anguish dagger, tacvi gear
    Mnk fangs and anguish offhand
    Bard 2.0
    Rng anguish mainhand
  2. apollo

    apollo Protector of Zek

    Set your shaman like I indicated in the other post (so your Ber, Rog, Monks, and other DPS are 'Tanks' in his ini) Don't even mention your actual Tank in the Shaman ini (he'll still get heals, just at the lowest priority). This will spread out your healing a lot more and I think you'll be much better off doing it this way rather than giving up a Cleric to monitor your other toons.

    Your group composition looks solid for the classes you've got; just have to play around with your healpcts after that. I'd make sure you get a Cleric HoT first at around 96-97% and then stagger Ancient: Hallowed Light back and forth between the 2 every 10% health or so (going down) & see where that gets ya.

    For reference, I also box a 12-team (self-imposed limit, not hardware) and my setup is:

    Pal/Clr/Dru/Enc/Mnk/Brd and Ber/Ber/Rog/Wiz/Brd/Shm (made double zerkers many years ago; probably wouldn't do that again if I had it to do over; but otherwise fully-optimized and min/max'd)

    Another Note to Further Improve Efficiency: Shaman is a super-easy class to overload in their .ini due to all their class functions. IMO do anything you can to minimize what they do, so that they can focus on their truly unique class abilities like Champion and keeping proc buffs up on all the melees. You can always add stuff back in if you find the toon idle, but if you notice that your shaman basically never stops casting then it's likely he's not even GETTING to all of his functions on each mob (waste). I even go so far as to use my Enchanter to debuff/slow for every mob except for the 1 or 2% of raid targets that you actually NEED Disease-based (shaman) slow for (which I can then call for with a hotkey).

    Otherwise, these are just needless additional tasks for him to perform in my team. He doesn't use Canni spells either. With Out-of-Combat regen being so nice, and with needing to med for other classes anyway, I feel all the Canni line does is eat up valuable Spell Gems (causing him to take longer on things when he's got to sit/mem first) and plus it can dip his health down far enough with boxing where your other healers start healing him and you start to lose efficiency. I do use the AA canni on him, but only because it doesn't eat a Spell Gem to include. I just let him med along with the rest of my crew as needed and he has absolutely no issues. Fights generally don't endure long enough that having increased "in-combat" mana regen makes that much of a difference anyway.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
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  3. jdestef

    jdestef Orc Centurion

    Try MGB heals? Group HOTs (Elixir of Divinity)? Get them all HOT potions and create an "everyone drink" button?
  4. jdestef

    jdestef Orc Centurion

    Also, FWIW, On live, you could stack MGB Celestial Regeneration with MGB Group HOT (Elixir of Divinity) for a very large per/tick regen. Would be worth testing to make sure this also works on PEQ.
  5. donnylad

    donnylad Orc Centurion

    Paragon also stacks with it iirc+
  6. bogre

    bogre Orc Centurion

    Thanks for the replies. Fixed up my clerics inis and seems to be working well. Took down netherbian swarmleader for sham 1.5 fairly easily with my 12 using sk as tank. I still think there is some work to do with my inis and ae heals but it's getting better.
  7. apollo

    apollo Protector of Zek

    You can also do /armor (with any # of /only| or /not| qualifications) to fire Armor of Experience. It's a fairly long cooldown but for fights like the epic raids it'll give ya a minute (exactly) of serious resistance to AE ramp damage (unless it's one of the few full-dmg AE ramp mobs of course).

    I've used that a number of times to just brute force my way thru certain mobs' AE ramp (Wild Rampage).
  8. bogre

    bogre Orc Centurion

    Excellent tip. Been working out much better now that I have the inis set better. I totally forgot about that AA