E3 Question (Bot ini directory path)

Discussion in 'E3' started by Cryk, Nov 20, 2020.

  1. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Hi all, I asked this a long time ago in ooc but got some answers I really didn't understand.

    Would anyone know if it is possible to make specific folders for each class in e3bot ini and have those classes point to that folder so they read it normally. I tend to edit the same characters depending on what I'm doing and it would make it much more convenient if all my clerics were in a cleric folder, shamans in a shaman folder, and so on...

    Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  2. clippy

    clippy A Griffin

    I do something similar but you could rework it to use folders if you wish.

    This is what I do:

    e3 Data.ini:
    [File Paths]
    Bot Settings=e3 Bot Inis\${Me.Class.ShortName}_${Me.CleanName}_PEQTGC.ini
    now each toon INI need to be prefixed with class shortname,
    so your toon Clericor ini name must now be renamed to CLR_Clericor_PEQTGC.ini and so on.

    This way you easily sort toon ini's by class.

    In order to fully answer your question, yes it should be possible.
    You need to create folders (named CLR, DRU, SHM etc) and put proper ini:s in each of them, and then use something like
    [File Paths]
    Bot Settings=e3 Bot Inis\${Me.Class.ShortName}\${Me.CleanName}_PEQTGC.ini
  3. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Awesome thank you I'm going to give that a shot.

    Another suggestion I got was just saving different inis and copying them into the main bot folder when needed. So if I had a PBAoE cleric setup I'd just make a PBAoE folder and save all those changes in there. Vice versa I'd have a "normal" folder and then just copy those in the main bot folder when I don't need PBAoE. Just a simple example if this helps anyone else.

    I still like the idea of putting them in their own class folders though so it's easier to find them. May be a suggestion for the next E3 release if it's popular enough I suppose.