Constant crashing

Discussion in 'General' started by Fireclav, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Fireclav

    Fireclav Orc Pawn

    New to the server and im experiencing constant crashing when zoning. Playing 6 accounts right now and it seems almost everytime i zone i crash on at least 1-2 chars.

    Currently running -
    Windows 11
    32gb ram

    not sure if that matters at all, but its pretty much making this server unplayable for me.
  2. Skream

    Skream Orc Legionnaire

    What client? If Titanium, smack yourself and go get the RoF2 client.
    Now that's just one possibility and we would need way more information before we could diagnose. However, for comparison, I regularly zone 42 clients without issue on a 3 year old laptop.
    When you say crash, what do you mean? Disconnect or one of the client instances crash?
    If its the second what does the windows logs say? If its the first your network settings need looked at etc etc