Class combo

Discussion in 'General' started by Snowspike, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. Snowspike

    Snowspike Orc Pawn

    Me and my friend are really enjoying the server. We are keeping it small just playing for mostly nostalgia / fun purposes. Right now I have four characters and he runs three. We have been talking and think we are both going to run a full group each. Can anyone give any suggestions on the last class combos for each of us to run to be able to just enjoy game and maybe get some small end game stuff completed.

    My Group: Necro / Cleric / Warrior / Mage

    My Friends: Bard / Zerker / Druid
  2. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    One of the things you will want to address is lack of a slower / haster. It's hard to get everything you need in two groups, but for me this would be a priority.

    You'll want to add a bard to your group and perhaps a shaman or chanter. If it was me it would be a Shaman. Alternately a utility class goes well here... Perhaps you might like a wizard instead for obvious reasons.
    Your friend may want a Combination of Monk, Rogue and perhaps a utility class like a Beastlord or Ranger. Instead of a utility perhaps the shaman can go here since a shaman can really boost melee dps.

    My recommendation is supposing your group would be a more of a tank group and your friend's group a dps group. Everyone has their own style though and I'm sure there will be some folks that may have some great alternate suggestions.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  3. Snowspike

    Snowspike Orc Pawn

    Gaellespie thank you commenting! I was thinking Enchanter but was not sure...Thx for info!
  4. Gaellespie

    Gaellespie Orc Centurion

    It's definitely nice to have the superior haste buff and CC options that come with the chanter. The Shaman though makes a pretty big impact with more consistent slowing and dps for melee classes.

    If you feel strongly about the chanter could be that you end up with both. After all someday you likely will want to add groups as you will most assuredly want to take on more raid content.

    I'm sure you'll hear it from others, but it's considered a given that you have a bard in every group. There's just so many benefits that come with it.
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  5. Tharsis

    Tharsis Orc Legionnaire

    The "standard" single group would be Tank, Bard, Cleric, Melee DPS and some combination of porter, buffer, debuffer, utility and other dps. Adding a second group would usually add Bard, Cleric, more utility, more dps and porter (if you go with a porter in each group).

    Do you both have interest in making two single groups or combining forces into a 12 bot team? Those are two pretty divergent paths. Assuming the Volton route....

    Decide if you want a porter in each group. It will affect all other decisions. Nothing wrong with either decision.

    Bards are awesome. So awesome. Best advice: 1 bard per group.

    A lot of players will talk (correctly) about synergy and melee groups vs caster groups vs tank groups and whatnot. That advice, while accurate, doesn't hold well for a 12 character team. Search for posts made by a player named Ikeren. He ran 12, did some impressive things and posted about them. One caveat: he did all that when L65 was the cap. Pre-OoW. Utility gains value when you run a smaller amount of characters.

    Melee dps is "king" right now. L70 OoW. Some fights last long enough your casters will be OOM. A caster heavy crew will run into fights it can't win due to lack of mana.
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