Was Kedge Robe drop rate changed in Kith?

Discussion in 'General' started by Smashn, Jul 28, 2022.

  1. Smashn

    Smashn Orc Pawn

    I have been farming Coercer Q`ioul (25% drop rate) and Advisor C`zatl (24.5% drop rate) according to MQEmu and after 10 kills each 0 kedge robe drops. If my math is correct I should have a 50% drop per clear of them both leading to a 500% chance after 10 clears for 1 drop. Is my math off or bad rng? or something else?
  2. Jibekn

    Jibekn Orc Pawn

    Bad math. 2 chances at 25% != 50% Chance.

    Bad luck too tho, I have wiped that hut out 6-7 Times and seen 3 Kedge robes.

    You're currently sitting at around a 5% chance of 2 events not happening at 25% probability of each.

    Basically you rolled a crit on a d20, but for bad luck, not good.

    Check out probability calculators and equations if you want to figure out the math.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. mackal

    mackal Pyrilen Fireblade

    Yeah, the drops are entirely independent so you can't really say that. All you can really say is that with enough samples it will drop 1/4 the time.