General questions for the community since DoN release

Discussion in 'General' started by chewbakhan, Aug 21, 2023.

  1. CE2JRH

    CE2JRH Orc Warlord

    Specializations didn't seem to be reset on any of my casters.
  2. Trust

    Trust GM

    People will grow, they will adapt. Some may say they have had it too easy for too long ;)

    Either way, this is how it is for the betterment of all of EQEmu.
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  3. chewbakhan

    chewbakhan Orc Pawn

    Did you have the AA for secondary specialization? If not, that’s probably why. For me it’s frustrating since I had gone through doing sol ro tweaks to get the proper specializations for casters and now am in a position to need to make sure alteration goes before abjuration which can be rough when my alterations haven’t been nearly as lucky as my abjuration from yalp. As I say though I’ll most likely wait quite some time before playing.. it’s a lot to try to rebuild. It’s not a complaint about what IS as much as it is that I don’t have the time to rebuild all those characters up on my schedule. It was nice to be able to log in and do a little of something here and there. That’s gone and it’s back to rebuilds and grinding. I’m sure I’ll do it over the years and can also see where the expansions are at if they release any more.
  4. chewbakhan

    chewbakhan Orc Pawn

    I’m sure new players will be just fine with it. They won’t know any other way. It’s easier to have always been steered a certain way than to have a bunch of things taken away you had grown accustomed to… but that’s the nature of an ever evolving beta. It could also be said we’re lucky the players weren’t completely wiped…

    From the perspective of those who HAVE put in a lot of hours tweaking their characters a certain way it’s a daunting task to consider doing a lot of it again. Some may have plenty of free time.. to those your proposed “suck it up buttercup” reaction is justified I would be down for it if I had the time. Unfortunately I don’t, right now… But over the next few months I will probably log in and spend the few AA we do have, since there aren’t many to choose from it doesn’t take too long. The specialization thing is a rough one.. that’s probably what I may log in a couple times a week to grind out until I break over 50.. my clerics are apparently stubborn asf with their alteration skill ups but more than happy to skill up abjur.. the bastards

    Anyway… I’m all for the expansion release and the tech that came with it, just disappointed I can’t play due to these changes. Eventually, I hope.
  5. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    There was no change to character move speeds except bards have less over-cap AAs now, but sow/selos stilll just as strong. if you're unbuffed, the same amount of run speed AAs are there.

    But I agree with your other point. I think "the final encounter in the entire game" was a bit too easy with all the power creep. Solo-boxing the absolute last boss in the game seems like a feat of grinding *and* engineering (with macro writing) that should be unique to a very select few, if any. It's an MMO. There should be content that exists for only the strongest players (strongest meaning the combination of skill, time, and commitment).
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  6. chewbakhan

    chewbakhan Orc Pawn

    I just meant suddenly my guys are lagging way behind and/or not following.. it could be a number of things, just that it's been running fine for years besides one character that always decides he doesn't need to follow or he finds the one tree in a desert to get stuck on... either way I don't have the time to sort it all but I will probably prioritize THIS over DoN progression.. the first steps are contested zones and I don't have the time for fighting 900 other toons for 6 mobs lol - THAT part is actually kind of cool.. nothing more live-like than that!
  7. Skullkrusher

    Skullkrusher Orc Pawn

    I haven't seen anyone mention it yet but , what are you guys using on your rogues for poison proc now that the pok poison merchant is gone ? I have 275 poison making skill . Is there something decent to use around that skill range that doesn't require hours of farming components ? I'm trying to find a decent replacement before i run out of the ones i have left from before DoN update.
  8. chewbakhan

    chewbakhan Orc Pawn

    For me... that ship has sailed. I use monks instead of rogues. I use a couple rogues for gear diversity, lockpcking and traps but that's all.
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  9. kiladiveus

    kiladiveus Orc Centurion

    Would it benefit the community if we create a list of changes by class. As a returning player, i just want to know what was removed, so i can block them on my bot inis =).
  10. chewbakhan

    chewbakhan Orc Pawn

    BoR was just a reaction to AEREZ etc. since it's not there I think it just defaults to the spell.. as for the storm blade 69 song for bards, it will just not be included in your twist.. you can buy the 61 spell for now or twist something else.. for shaman it removed the panther proc or whatever.. besides that not much changed on my scripts. your AA are reset... so there's that
  11. Casai

    Casai Orc Legionnaire

  12. joligario

    joligario GM Staff Member

    Try saying "my" instead of "your". i.e. "steal my memories", "losing my memories", "lose advanced memory".

    Looks like the quest isn't exactly like the Alla post. Perhaps the quest has changed since it was originally written.
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  13. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    Just hand him a ruby @Casai . Thats all need to do :)
  14. Casai

    Casai Orc Legionnaire

  15. sorkail

    sorkail Orc Pawn

    Fwiw all of Anguish has been beaten on EQTitan server by several players (at least one solo crew, handful more duos) without any of the post-Omens spells/AAs. It may not be quite apples to apples since the events may be scripted a bit different, but can’t be too far off. OMM was even beaten the first few times before any 2.0s were out
  16. doeda

    doeda Orc Centurion

    I just did some raids...

    Anguish, everything seemed a bit longer than usual with 36...understandable without Leopard and some out of era AA for melee. The damage is rougher since we have less defensive AA's. I got up to OOM and wiped because I didn't know the fight reset every mask click, and I cba to try to figure that out.

    Uqua, trap doors require you to only have 1 key in your inventory if you loot all 4 and click you will die. cba to figure that out. I will try more when I want to rezz my army.

    Otherwise life is good, just have to spend more time and make friends and duo raids.