Can't login most of my chars

Discussion in 'General' started by DarkAkuma, Jan 13, 2024.

  1. DarkAkuma

    DarkAkuma Orc Pawn

    I have not played since 2013-2014. I have 9 level 65s that I used to play. Now I can't log in most of them. The few that I can log in, I still fail to do so with quite often.

    I sought help from the "Stuck Characters" subforum, and found my way to the Discord. Over the past couple weeks I have been posting what I have tried based on the few suggestions I got, but nothing has worked.

    Can't log in at all:

    Can't log in, but may not have tried enough:

    Was able to log in once, but thats it:

    Have been able to log in, but often takes a 1-3 times and gets booted often while zoning:

    Yes, I have tried making a new character. It logs in and zones fine. As do old low level characters like bazaar mules.
    Yes, I have tried changing clients (originally I was using my old SoD install. Now I am using a patched RoF install). Same thing happens.
    Yes, I have tried resetting my UI... effectively... because I have changed clients, and thus have no pre-existing UI files on the RoF client.
    Yes, I have tried returning my chars to Home, and moving them to Nexus/OoT. At least, I have tried that with my Rogue. No reason to assume any of the others would have better luck.
    Most are in the Guild Lobby, whether characters I can or cant log in. 1 I cant log in is in Frontier Mountains.
    No, I do not have anything sucking up bandwidth.
    I can see my characters with the magelo (some are limited with doing so, due to logging out with /role on).

    This is the fail point as listed in the dbg.txt.

    A successful login would otherwise say...

    When getting disconnected while zoning, I get the same error in the log.


    Maybe unrelated. I did zone one of my semi-working characters into PoFire... and proceeded to get a black screen "YOU HAVE BEEN DISSCONNECTED." message every time I try to zone out or even con a NPC. Eventually after completely closing the client, logging in, not trying anything... and being suddenly forced to when I got attacked, I was able to zone out. Still... it was odd.


    I don't know what more to try/do. The only conclusion that the help in the Discord has been able to make, and I concur with is... My characters are bugged/corrupt. And thus, its beyond my power to solve/fix. I think I need GM help.
  2. joligario

    joligario GM Staff Member

    I doubt characters are corrupt. The guildlobby issues are known and discussed many times here, in Discord, and in-game. I've moved them to PoK.
  3. DarkAkuma

    DarkAkuma Orc Pawn

    As I said... while most of my characters are (or now were) in the Guild Lobby, that seemed to not matter. My Rogue got moved around from GL->Shar Vhal->Nexus->OoT, and nothing made a difference. Some of the chars I do have in the GL, I can log in. I am able to log them in just as successfully as any other zone. Sometimes I get booted back to server select, sometimes I don't.

    I don't see how moving them to PoK is any different than me trying to move them to Nexus or elsewhere and failing to log them in still. But for the heck of it, I have tried to log my Wizard (Shibi) in 7 times... and it still wont work. PoK is having zero difference as I would expect from my 2 weeks of trying to figure this out.

    But yea. This has nothing to do with the GL. I get this issue when trying to log in or zone. Whatever zone is involved, it doesn't matter.
  4. joligario

    joligario GM Staff Member

    Just logged in on Shib with no problems. In fact, I used Titanium. Something on your end whether the client, network, etc.

    Edit: Sorry, just read you used "Shibi". I'll try him.
  5. joligario

    joligario GM Staff Member

    Just logged in Shibi with no problems - also in Titanium
  6. DarkAkuma

    DarkAkuma Orc Pawn

    Still cant log in Shibi.

    I don't think I have the titanium client anymore, but I tried SoD again now in addition to RoF. Zero difference.

    My network is fine. I use it for WoW, TAKP, YouTube and other games and whatnot, all the time. Without such issues. If the server has an issue with my network, thats something about the server that needs to be fixed. Not my network. I even tried connecting through a VPN. No difference.

    From my perspective, this has become clearly something that is not on my end, as there is basically nothing left for me to do/change. I think its time I finally give up. I guess I will just have to wait for the server code to get fixed.
  7. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    From what I read it sounds like some networking issue. It may be on your machine or it maybe your ISP. Every character you listed has some type of networking issue, from what you described. You didn't have any successful ones (meaning no issues) I think we can rule out your client, as it doesn't sound like it is an issue. Where is your ISP located (State or country)? WoW, TAKP, Youtube etc use a different port. Perhaps there is an issue on one of the EQs ports. They are:
    • TCP: 1024, 7000
    • UDP: 1024, 6000
    Have you tried testing Live/Test EQ? any issues connecting to Daybreaks servers? I'm not 100% sure on all of PEQ ports, but I think at least in part, they are UDP 7778 and UDP 7129.
    There is a tool that can help analyze your network connectivity, wireshark.
    If it shows packet drops, that would definitely be an issue.
  8. DarkAkuma

    DarkAkuma Orc Pawn

    Every character listed has the issue, yes. But other characters are fine. I did have successful ones. For example the level 1 Shaman I made last month (Ibes) just to see if a new char would work. That logged in and zoned without any issue. I have also not noticed any issues with "Sold" (level 1 trader mule), "Bought" (level 1 buyer mule), and Ranged (level 28 Ranger I was leveling when I last played).

    My ISP is in Las Vegas Nevada. CenturyLink DSL. It's not the greatest broadband, in terms of speed. But it gets the job done, and should be more than enough for EQ. By far.

    No. I havent tried live. Not interested in playing there anymore. Closest thing is I have been playing on The Al'Kabor Project (TAKP) emu sever for about a month and a half again. Without any such comparable issues... outside of maybe when I first logged in using my old client. Had to grab a new client. I forget what issues I even had now. I dont think it was disconnects though.

    At this point, I am begining to have no doubt that its some sort of packet issue since joligario was able to log in a char I could not. But the issue isn't on my end, as it effects nothing else I do. I am using the same ISP... and possibly even the same hardware as I did back when I last played on PEQ. My internet speed has even been upgraded since then. So nothing major has changed for the negative on my end. But I am sure the server code has changed in the past 10 years.

    The closest thing that it sounds like it might be is the "issue" with "too much stuff in your inventory". But that is not a real user or ISP issue. That is a server issue. I should be able to play with my entire inventory completely full... on 56k... if I wanted. lol

    As for ports... IDK. I doubt I have any issues with them. But maybe I will mess with that sometime. At this point, I just posted as a last ditch effort. But am largely just wanting to move on from this. It's been one big headache.
  9. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    If you want me to do any testing on my end with any characters let me know.
  10. DarkAkuma

    DarkAkuma Orc Pawn

    Ok. I guess I had one last attempt in me. joligario saying he used Titanium for his test, made me decide to try and find it, install it and give it a try.

    To my shock... it worked. I was able to log in my Rogue, Uberest, on the first try! Next up, my Wizard, Shibi. Again... Logged in successfully first try! Then 1 by 1... i logged in all the characters that I previously could not.

    So it's at least partly a client issue.

    I'm not sure what was up with SoD. But I have a feeling the RoF issue might be that I have RoF. Not this RoF2 I have been seeing mentioned. I was going to download/patch that, but the zip looks like its a torrent. I stay away from those anymore. So I stopped.

    Its good to see my chars again, after 10 years... and a couple weeks of failing to log them in. More so since I have been playing on TAKP where I recreated them... all MUCH less progressed. Nice to see EP/VP/VT gears chars instead of... have Kunark/half cheap bazaar gear.

    Will have to dive in, re-spend my AA (seems there was at least 1 reset in the last 10 years), and check things out more when im ready.
  11. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher


    DoN was added Aug 18th, all AA were reset as there were some AAs that are not in era. Post regarding it is on the Home page, including a patch file (v11). I'm not sure if that works with Titanium (I'll guess maybe it does)