Autoloot after Rez

Discussion in 'E3' started by hudge, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    Hey guys, just an FYI, the autoloot on rez still isn't working. This all started at the same time the "Not eligible for Rez" and the Corpse disappearing bug started. I saw that CuBonso came up with a fix for the rezzing.
    Now the rez takes place, and the bot tries to loot but I Then get the message that THIS CORPSE HASN'T BEEN REZZED, LOOTING ABORTED or something to that effect? Anyone else getting this or have any idea as to why this is happening? Everything was working fine up till the changes on the server happened that started causing all the no looting in Hotzones, Not Rezzing and Corpses disappearing bugs. I'm in the process of leveling up afew grps so unfortunately the bots dying is happening more than normal and trying to find what bot died & having to manually loot their corpse is getting to be painful
  2. Fireclav

    Fireclav Orc Pawn

    im having a weird issue recently where my guys will loot 90% of there corpse, then i have to loot a few items one at a time while re clicking the corpse. when im down to around 5 items i can loot htem all again... anyone else having this? its only happening with a few chars but i cant figure out the reason
  3. Paulbrochill

    Paulbrochill Orc Pawn

    I would try to delete the file, download a new version and update the txt again per the link in the post that you linked Hudge.

    this isn’t a server issue it’s an e3 issue
  4. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    Turned out to be an E3 issue & Mort helped me out and it's now sorted out & working correctly. So we can officially mark this is sorted out and closed
  5. Adam

    Adam Orc Pawn

    Hey @hudge what did you and mort do to sort out your issue with the auto-looting after rez issue?
    I have the same issue and wondering if it's the same solution :)
  6. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    Yeah he did, took him a while as we had to go over afew files like the e3_Classes_Cleric & the waitin4rez ini's, pretty sure there was at least 1 other too but can't remember which. And it was trial and error cause after you have been playing a while and your files get patched for this & that, not everyone's files are the same. If your asking for specifically what we changed I honestly can't remember. Memory like a sieve these days unfortunately. There are afew people on the server that should be able to help. Mort being one of them, Barbados being another if you can catch him on these days. There was someone else that offered to help also that but my damn memory again. If you get real desperate, shoot me a tell in game and I can send you my current versions of those 2 ini's but install at your peril.