Help finding loginserver ID

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by Shadowblade, Jan 25, 2025.

  1. Shadowblade

    Shadowblade Elite Mastruq Destroyer

    I used to play here years ago. I decided to fire things back up and give my old characters some run, I was able to login to all my characters but one, and I cant remember the loginserver username attached to the character.

    Character name Nelron, 65 Ranger. I am wondering if anyone can see what loginserver ID he was attached to. I know the password, just cant remember his ID.

    Update: can disregard, this was located.


    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025
  2. Smish

    Smish Orc Pawn

    Welcome Back!

    Does Nelron really have nearly 750k aa? Asking for a friend.