Like destroying a Paladin 1.5. Would that person just need to deal with the burn of their incompetence, or could the epic flags be reset to allow them to do the quest again? Asking for a Paladin friend named Crayg.
All of my Paladin 1.5 quest searches and discord messages asking about options were from Saturday, Nov 16th. I think I asked about it in Discord and tried initiating the quest on the same day it happened, but I didn't write anything down, so it's hard to tell. If it occurred on the 16th, it happened in the morning - around 9 am - 10 am(ish) EST. It occurred inside a Mastery of Ingenuity instance...while manually swapping in a suffusive weapon. I had the 1.5 on my cursor and my mouse was wonky (double clicking for every single click - it has since been replaced) and I was trying to be fast rather than diligent. Then I was yelling 'NO!' over and over at the screen when I realized what Crayg had done.
When clicked, Crayg's epic states 'Item is out of charges.' If that's my punishment for being dumb, I completely understand. Thank you.
Not a punishment. Not sure if it needed to be summoned with charges. I will have to look at it next week when I get back.