Mq2/E3 Loot / Exp Fix

Discussion in 'E3' started by CuBonso, Mar 1, 2024.

  1. CuBonso

    CuBonso Orc Pawn

    The patch last night changed the experience messages in hotzones, loot won't work correctly with it when using mq2/e3.

    Replace the Macors/e3 Includes/e3_background.Ini file with the attached file or if you have changes you don't want to replace just replace the event lines for the SUB Event_YourKill function with the following lines

    #event YourKill "You gain experience#*#"
    #event YourKill "You gain party experience#*#"
    #event YourKill "You gained raid experience#*#"

    Attached Files:

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  2. Ellyeni

    Ellyeni Orc Warlord

    I have replaced the above file as instructed and upon restarting E# i get the following:

    Subroutine iniToVarV wasn't found (background_Setup): /call iniToVarV
    "${advSettings_ini},Debug,Debug Backgropund (On/Off)"
    DeBug_Background bool outer
    E3 (e3_Setup(modeSelect)): /if
    (${Bool[${macro.Setups [${i}]}]}) /call ${macroSetups[${i}]}_Setup
    E3.mac@32 (Main(modeSelect)): ?call E3_Setup
    The current macro has ended

    I hope i typed that all correctly. I did a snip of the error.

    Am i supposed to do anything else apart from downloading and replacing the file?

    None of my toons that I have Autoloot set to on will loot and if i use the /tell "Name" loot on the char i /tell and also the char sending the /tell both loot but only once off i have to keep repeating the command. Makes for slow killing :(
  3. CuBonso

    CuBonso Orc Pawn

    You don't have to replace the file. You can also just replace the event lines if you feel you can look through code. Just search for "YourKill".

    #event YourKill "You gain experience#*#"
    #event YourKill "You gain party experience#*#"
    #event YourKill "You gained raid experience#*#"