AA Export

Discussion in 'Macros' started by Aliboo, Feb 11, 2019.

  1. Aliboo

    Aliboo A Griffin

    Does anyone happen to have a macro to export purchased AAs and their level?

    I've figured out how to get total AAs and get that added to all my bots on my private server. However, there doesn't seem to be any way to automate the import of individual AAs via commands or macros. So, I was hoping to at least find something that could make them a bit more digestible such as an exported log or csv. Magelo doesn't seem to have to right information.
  2. Aliboo

    Aliboo A Griffin

    I ended up manually adding each AA - one at a time. Huge PITA. It's done. But still open to hearing about some way of exporting or viewing a list of accurate AAs outside of EQ.

    Surprised there isn't (or at least I couldn't find) an AA GM command for specific AAs.
  3. ptarp

    ptarp Orc Pawn

    I created a macro a very simple macro that includes AAPurchase.inc and calls it's functions. I did modify the AAPicker.inc also

    Call with "/mac aap save" on your main server, and "/mac aap load" on the server you're needing to buy your AA on.
    This will create a text file in your macros folder - "AA_toonname.ini" which you can edit after saving.

    You will need to use GM commands or something to make sure your bots on personal server have enough for purchasing before using "/mac aap load"

    #include AAPurchase.inc
    sub main(functype)
    /delay 2
    /if (${functype.Length} < 1) {
     /echo Usage: /mac aap [save/load]
    /if (${functype.Equal[save]}) {
     /call AASave
    /if (${functype.Equal[load]}) {
     /call init
     /call AAPicker
    sub init
       /declare ListNum string outer
       /declare AAIniFile string local AA_${Me.Name}.ini
       /declare a int local
       /declare IniSection string local AAtoBuy
       /call LoadINIVar2 ${IniSection} AACount 1 AACount ${AAIniFile} int
       /if (${AACount}) {
          /declare AA[${AACount}] string outer
          /for a 1 to ${AACount}
             /call LoadINIVar2 ${IniSection} AA${a} " " AA[${a}] ${AAIniFile}
          /next a
    This is the second part.
    | AAPurchase.inc Revamped
    | Rewritten by 3PO with ideas and code snippets from smattowers
    | Date 11/11/2008
    | This is a complete revamp of the AAPicker routine.
    | It now parses text from the AA Window to determine the Level required to purchase an
    | AA as well as the current level and max level of the AA.
    | If your level is below the level required to purchae the AA it will skip it.
    | It will detect and skip an AA that you do not have the expansion for.
    |    This is performed by first making sure you are the right level to purchase it and
    |    then if your banked AA is equal to or higher than that needed it will skip it.
    | It will also detect if your class is not able to purchase a skill defined if you
    | accidentally add a wrong ability and skip it.
    | It will tell you when all your abilities are maxed, will warn you if your banked AAs
    | are over 27, and if you reach 30 banked it will switch you to full Level XP.
    | Can choose to restrict how many levels of an ability to purchase by putting |# where
    | where # would equal the max skill you want to purchase. M would be used to purchase
    | the to the max possible level of the ability.
    | You can also have multiple setcions in the ini file now. AAtoBuy is the default but
    | you can now call the init routine like this "/call AAInit inisection" and setup a special
    | section to purchase skills for a shroud without having to lose your section for your
    | characters Alt Ability skills.
    | Todo:
    |   Add ability to purchase skills evenly.
    |     For instance Combat Agility and Stability you might want to purchase them evenly through all levels.
    | Usage:
    | Setup your ini file.
    | For example:
    |   Your file is AA_Frank.INI
    |   [AAtoBuy]
    |   AACount=2
    |   AA1=Combat Agility|2
    |   AA2=Combat Stability|M
    | Put "/call AAInit" or "/call AAInit inisection" into the initialization section of your macro.
    | Put "/call AAPicker" into your main loop.
    | If you want to use a special purchase section other than AAtoBuy in your ini. For instance to define AA
    | you want to purchase when in a shroud change "/call AAInit" to "/call AAInit yoursectionnamehere"
    | Kroak: Added third argument. '|S'  Which will make you skip to the next possible AA in the list if you don't have enough AA to purchase.
    | This version will also auto-create an .ini file for you at AA_${Me.Name}.ini without setting quantities to buy if you don't have one.
    #event AAEarned "#*#You have gained#*#ability point#*#"
    | Change this to change which channel you send your notifications to.
    | Ex: /bc , /echo , /mqlog
    #define def_channel_ /echo  |"/mqlog ${Me.Name}"
    Sub AAInit(IniSection)
    | Declare local variables
       /declare ListNum string outer
       /declare AAIniFile string local AA_${Me.Name}.ini
       /declare a int local
       /if (!${Defined[IniSection]}) /declare IniSection string local AAtoBuy
       /if (${IniSection.Equal[NULL]}) /varset IniSection AAtoBuy
       /if (!${Ini["${AAIniFile}","${IniSection}"].Length} ) {
       /echo Creating AA_${Me.Name}.ini file
       /call AADump
    | Determine the max AACount.
       /call LoadINIVar2 ${IniSection} AACount 1 AACount ${AAIniFile} int
    | If AACount is not 0
       /if (${AACount}) {
    | Create the AA array
          /declare AA[${AACount}] string outer
    | Start for/next loop.
          /for a 1 to ${AACount}
    | Load the AAs into the array.
             /call LoadINIVar2 ${IniSection} AA${a} " " AA[${a}] ${AAIniFile}
    | End for/next loop.
          /next a
    |   /call AAPicker  
    Sub AAPicker
    | Declare local variables
       /declare x int local
       /declare Cost int local
       /declare AALevelStr string local
       /declare curAALevel int local
       /declare maxAALevel int local
       /declare maxPurchaseLevel int local
       /declare nameAA string local
       /declare requiredLevel int local
       /declare requiredExpansion string local
       /declare maxCounter int local 0
    | Declare and set lvlDigits to 2
       /declare lvlDigits int local 2
    | Change lvlDigits to 1 if your level is less than 10 (usefull for using this with a shroud)
       /if (${Me.Level}<10) /varset lvlDigits 1
    | Start for/next loop.
       /for x 1 to ${AACount}
    | Sel ListNum to the page the AA is on.
          /varset nameAA ${AA[${x}].Arg[1,"|"]}
          /if (!${AA[${x}].Arg[2,"|"].Length}) /next x
           /if (${x} > ${AACount}) /return
          /varset ListNum List${AltAbility[${nameAA}].Type}
    | Bookmark            
    | If Can Purchase is selected unselect it.
          /if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[CanPurchaseFilter].Checked}) /nomodkey /notify AAWindow CanPurchaseFilter leftmouseup
    | Check if the skill is available to your class.
          /if (!${AltAbility[${nameAA}].ID}==NULL) {
    | Grab the level information from the AAWindow so that
             /varset AALevelStr ${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[=${nameAA}]}, 2]}
    | we can determine the current AA level
             /varset curAALevel ${AALevelStr.Arg[1,"/"]}
    | and the max AA level of the AA.
             /varset maxAALevel ${AALevelStr.Arg[2,"/"]}
    | Check if we are leveling to max skill
             /if (${AA[${x}].Arg[2,"|"].Equal[M]}) {
                /varset maxPurchaseLevel ${maxAALevel}
    | or if we want to level evenly
             } else /if (${AA[${x}].Arg[2,"|"].Equal[E]}) {
                def_channel_ Error. ${nameAA} is set to equal but this feature is not active yet.
    | or set to the max skill we want to train to
             } else {
                /varset maxPurchaseLevel ${AA[${x}].Arg[2,"|"]}
    | and if the max skill we want to train is valid.
                /if (${maxPurchaseLevel}<=0) {
                   /if (${Macro.Name.NotEqual[Modbot.Mac]}) def_channel_ Error. ${nameAA} is set to an invalid level to train to. Skipping.
                   /next x
    | Select the AA so that we can
             /call AASelect "${nameAA}"
    | parse the level information from the text window.
             /varset requiredLevel ${Window[AAWindow].FirstChild.Next.Text.Mid[${Math.Calc[${Window[AAWindow].FirstChild.Next.Text.Find[Level:]} + 7]},${lvlDigits}]}
    | Set requiredExpansion to the expansion listed in the AAWindow.
             /varset requiredExpansion ${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[=${nameAA}]}, 4]}
    | If AA required level is less than or equal to your level.
             /if (${requiredLevel}<=${Me.Level}) {
    | If the AA Cost is not equal to zero length.
                /if (${curAALevel}<${maxPurchaseLevel}) {
    | Define Cost be the cost listed in the AAWindow.
                   /varset Cost ${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[=${nameAA}]}, 3]}
    | Click the can purchase button.
                   /nomodkey /notify AAWindow CanPurchaseFilter leftmouseup
    | If the Cost of the ability is less than or equal to your banked AA and if the AA still shows in the list.
                   /if (${Cost}<=${Me.AAPoints} && !${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[=${nameAA}]}==NULL) {
    | Select and purcahse the AA.
                      /call AASelect "${nameAA}"
                      /call AAPurchase
                      /varcalc curAALevel ${curAALevel}+1
                      def_channel_ ${Time} Purchased level ${curAALevel}/${maxAALevel} of ${nameAA} for ${Cost} points.
                      /delay 2s
    | If I still have points after purchasing try to purchase again.
                      /if (${Me.AAPoints}>0) /goto :BuyAdditional
    | Else, if Cost is greater than banked AA.
                   } else /if (${Cost}>${Me.AAPoints}) {
                      def_channel_ Unable to purchase ${nameAA} at this time. You have ${Me.AAPoints} AA and need ${Cost} AA.
                     /if (${AA[${x}].Arg[3,"|"].Equal[S]}) /multiline ; def_channel_ Checking if other AA are available.;/next x
    | Else, you dont have the expansion.
                   } else {
                      def_channel_ You have ${Me.AAPoints} AA and ${nameAA} costs ${Cost} AA. You must not have ${requiredExpansion} or you have not met the prerequisites. Skipping.
                      /varcalc maxCounter ${maxCounter}+1
    | Else, the skill is maxed.
                } else {
                   /if (${curAALevel}==${maxAALevel} && ${maxPurchaseLevel}==${maxAALevel}) def_channel_ ${nameAA} is Maxed
                   /varcalc maxCounter ${maxCounter}+1
    | Else, you are not the right level.
             } else {
                def_channel_ You are ${Me.Level} and ${nameAA} requires ${requiredLevel}. Skipping.
    | Else, that skill is not available to your class.
          } else /if (${AltAbility[${nameAA}].ID}==NULL) {
             def_channel_ ${nameAA} is not a ${Me.Class} Ability.
             /varcalc maxCounter ${maxCounter}+1
    | End for/next loop.
       /next x
    | If all skills are maxed or you do not have the right expansions.
       /if (${maxCounter}==${AACount}) {
          def_channel_ All defined skills maxed or unable to be purchased due to expansion/prerequisite issues. You should define new ones.
    | Else, if not, wait for next round.
       } else {
          def_channel_ Cycled through all AA and nothing to purchase this round.
    | If banked AA is greater than or equal to 27 and less than 30, issue a warning.  This is not an issue on Emu.
    |    /if (${Me.AAPoints}>=27 && ${Me.AAPoints}<30) def_channel_ WARNING!!! You are at ${Me.AAPoints} banked AA.
    | | If banked AA equals 30, turn off alt exp.
    |    /if (${Me.AAPoints}>=30) {
    |       def_channel_ You have maxed your AAs and are unable to purchase any of your defined AAs.
    |       def_channel_ Changing you to full level XP. Hopefully you are not max level yet.
    |       /alt off
    Sub AASelect(string AAName)
    | Code to select the AA passed into it by AAName.
       /nomodkey /notify AAWindow AAW_Subwindows tabselect ${AltAbility[${AAName}].Type}
       /nomodkey /notify AAWindow ${ListNum} listselect ${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[=${AAName}]}
       /nomodkey /notify AAWindow ${ListNum} leftmouse ${Window[AAWindow].Child[${ListNum}].List[=${AAName}]}
    Sub AAPurchase
    | The actual purchase code.
       /nomodkey /notify AAWindow TrainButton leftmouseup
       /delay 2s
    | If fast AA purchase is not on, accept the purchase.
       /if (!${Window[OptionsWindow].Child[OptionsGeneralPage].Child[OGP_AANoConfirmCheckbox].Checked}) {
          /delay 10s ${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}
          /if (!${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open}) /goto :ConfirmWait
          /delay 2s
          /nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
          /delay 2s
    Sub Event_AAEarned
    | Triggered  From event statement at the top
       /call AAPicker
    Sub LoadINIVar2(IniSection,IniVar,IniValue,MacroVar,MyIni,VarType)
    | INI loading code from ModBot, used with permission.
       /if (!${Defined[${MacroVar}]} && ${Defined[VarType]}) /declare ${MacroVar} ${VarType} outer
       /declare IniString string local ${Ini["${MyIni}",${IniSection},${IniVar},NOTFOUND]}
       /varset ${MacroVar} ${IniString}
       /if (${IniString.Equal["NOTFOUND"]}) {
          /varset ${MacroVar} ${IniValue}
          /ini "${MyIni}" "${IniSection}" "${IniVar}" "${${MacroVar}}"
    Sub AADump
    /declare a int local 1
    /declare b int local 3
    /declare AAcnt int local 1
    /declare AAIniFile string local AA_${Me.Name}.ini
    /ini ${AAIniFile} AAtoBuy AACount 0
    /declare AALevelStr string local
    /if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[CanPurchaseFilter].Checked}) /nomodkey /notify AAWindow CanPurchaseFilter leftmouseup
    /delay 10
      /if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${b}].List[${a}].Length}) {
        /varset AALevelStr ${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${b}].List[${a}, 2]}
        /if (${AALevelStr.Arg[1,"/"]}<${AALevelStr.Arg[2,"/"]}) {
          /ini "${AAIniFile}" AAtoBuy AA${AAcnt} "${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${b}].List[${a}]}|"
          /varcalc AAcnt ${AAcnt}+1
        /varcalc a ${a}+1
        /goto :Loop
      /if (${b}>1) {
        /varcalc b ${b}-1
        /varset a 1
        /goto :Loop
    /ini "${AAIniFile}" AAtoBuy AACount ${Int[${Math.Calc[${AAcnt} -1]}]}
    /echo Finished dump to file: ${AAIniFile}
    Sub AASave
    /declare a int local 1
    /declare b int local 3
    /declare AAcnt int local 1
    /declare AAIniFile string local AA_${Me.Name}.ini
    /ini ${AAIniFile} AAtoBuy AACount 0
    /declare AALevelStr string local
    /if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[CanPurchaseFilter].Checked}) /nomodkey /notify AAWindow CanPurchaseFilter leftmouseup
    /delay 10
      /if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${b}].List[${a}].Length}) {
        /varset AALevelStr ${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${b}].List[${a}, 2]}
        /if (${AALevelStr.Arg[1,"/"]} > 0) {
          /ini "${AAIniFile}" AAtoBuy AA${AAcnt} "${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${b}].List[${a}]}|${AALevelStr.Arg[1,"/"]}"
          /varcalc AAcnt ${AAcnt}+1
        /varcalc a ${a}+1
        /goto :Loop
      /if (${b}>1) {
        /varcalc b ${b}-1
        /varset a 1
        /goto :Loop
    /ini "${AAIniFile}" AAtoBuy AACount ${Int[${Math.Calc[${AAcnt} -1]}]}
    /echo Finished dump to file: ${AAIniFile}
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Aliboo

    Aliboo A Griffin

    Thank you for this. That's a big macro. The code commenting is very good. This will make it much easier to update AAs on my private server.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2019
  5. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    Good one
  6. Aliboo

    Aliboo A Griffin

    I just used this on my private server to equalize the AAs from PEQ. I can't stress enough how awesome this is! @ptarp Thanks so much!