Auto Sell

Discussion in 'Macros' started by Kreetle, Aug 31, 2018.

  1. Kreetle

    Kreetle Orc Pawn

    can anyone explain to me how to set up auto selling?

    i just need it to auto sell 2 different items
  2. Drogerin

    Drogerin GM Staff Member

    e3 macro inis... loot ini.. Open it up.

    You'll see stuff that says A=

    in my example

    Diamond 200p(100)=Keep

    This means that your looter will loot 100 of these, and stop looting

    Diamond 200p(100)=Keep/Sell

    This means when you /autosell it will sell all diamonds

    Diamond 200p=Keep

    This means that it will never stop looting Diamonds

    Diamond 200p=Skip

    This means that it will never loot Diamonds.

    Hope this helps.
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