Broken Caster? Specialization Error (Secondary Forte)

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by 0112358, Dec 28, 2017.

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  1. 0112358

    0112358 Orc Centurion

    Character: Piriou
    Intent/Request: Reset his Specialize Divination back to 50 or below so that Specialize Evocation can be raised to 51+.

    This Druid (Piriou) is specialized in Alteration. Finally bought his "Secondary Forte" AA and was chain casting a nuke to get Specialize Evocation to raise to 51 and lock that in. Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to my buff timers and forgot to pause e3. The macro triggered a clicky and of course that single cast raised Specialize Divination to 51. Heart sank...

    Any way at all (besides re-roll) to fix this?

    Thanks for looking.

    - Ulmo <Oceans>
  2. mackal

    mackal Pyrilen Fireblade

    There is a quest to reset them.
  3. 0112358

    0112358 Orc Centurion

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