Christmas gift - assorted one-liners

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by clippy, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. clippy

    clippy A Griffin

    Greetings all!
    I thought I'd share a bunch of slash commands I created over the year in the hope someone find them useful.
    If you have a request for some special functionality, please post a reply and maybe santa will be nice to you.

    Put lines in MacroQuest.ini under the [Aliases] section and relog for them to start working.

    ; fast exits
    /exitall=/bcaa //exit
    /exitnotingroup=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Group.Members}) /exit
    /exitnotinraid=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Raid.Members}) /exit
    ; EDIT to the name of your main toon
    /exitnotinzone=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${SpawnCount[pc Bandy]}) /exit
    ; in group?
    /notingroup=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Me.Grouped}) /bc NOT IN GROUP
    /ingroup=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.Grouped}) /bc IN GROUP
    ; in raid?
    /notinraid=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Raid.Members}) /bc NOT IN RAID
    /inraid=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Raid.Members}) /bc IN RAID
    ; let group leaders shrink groups
    /shrinkgroups=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Group.Leader.Name.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) /casting "Army Ant Potion"
    ; show group leaders who need Army Ant Potions:
    /needshrinkpot=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Group.Leader.Name.Equal[${Me.Name}]} && ${Math.Calc[20 - ${FindItemCount[Army Ant Potion]}]} > 0) /bc ${Math.Calc[20 - ${FindItemCount[Army Ant Potion]}]} ARMY ANT POTION NEEDED
    ; show who need heal potions:
    /needhealpot=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Math.Calc[20 - ${FindItemCount[Distillate of Divine Healing XI]}]} > 0) /bc NEED HEAL POT, HAVE ${FindItemCount[Distillate of Divine Healing XI]}
    ; check monk weight penalty, Level 70: SoftCap 28
    /monkweight=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MNK]} && ${Me.CurrentWeight} >= 28) /bc MONK WEIGHT PENALTY: ${Me.CurrentWeight} wt
    /standall=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.Feigning} || ${Me.Ducking}) /stand
    /notgrouped=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Me.Grouped}) /bc NOT GROUPED
    /naked=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Me.Inventory[chest].ID}) /bc IM NAKED
    ; report toons with few free buff slots:
    /freebuffslots=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.FreeBuffSlots} <= 1) /bc FREE BUFF SLOTS: ${Me.FreeBuffSlots}
    ; check inventory slots
    /freeinventoryslots=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.FreeInventory} > 10) /bc FREE INVENTORY SLOTS: ${Me.FreeInventory}
    /fullinventory=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.FreeInventory} <= 2) /bc FULL INVENTORY, ${Me.FreeInventory} FREE SLOTS
    ; lesson of the devoted:
    /lessonsactive=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.Buff[Lesson of the Devoted].ID}) /bc LESSON ACTIVE: ${Me.Buff[Lesson of the Devoted].Duration.TimeHMS}
    /lessonsready=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Lesson of the Devoted]}) /bc LESSON READY
    ; show which melee is not max haste (225)
    /checkhaste=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WAR,PAL,RNG,SHD,MNK,BRD,ROG,BST,BER]} && ${Me.Haste} < 225) /bc HASTE ${Me.Haste}, WORN ${Me.AttackSpeed}
    ; reports all toons with debuffs
    /counters=/noparse /bcaa //if (${NetBots[${Me.Name}].Counters}) /bc DEBUFFED: ${NetBots[${Me.Name}].Counters} counters in ${NetBots[${Me.Name}].Detrimentals} debuffs: ${NetBots[${Me.Name}].Detrimental}
    ; put Selos in gem 4 on all bards and quickly trigger bard speed
    /bardspeed=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BRD]}) /twist once 4
    ; use shrink clickies
    /shrinkcobalt=/noparse /bcaa //if (${FindItemCount[Cobalt Bracer]}) /casting "Cobalt Bracer" -targetid|${Me.ID}
    /shrinktrickery=/noparse /bcaa //if (${FindItemCount[Shimmering Bauble of Trickery]}) /casting "Shimmering Bauble of Trickery" -targetid|${Me.ID}
    /shrinkshadowhive=/noparse /bcaa //if (${FindItemCount[Bracelet of the Shadow Hive]}) /casting "Bracelet of the Shadow Hive" -targetid|${Me.ID}
    ; for when e3 /evac is down:
    /evacwiz=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WIZ]}) /casting "Evacuate"
    /evacdru=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},DRU]}) /casting "Succor"
    /clericgroupheal=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},CLR]}) /casting "Word of Vivification" 6
    ; show who has item on cursor
    /oncursor=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Cursor.ID}) /bc CURSOR: ${Cursor.Name}
    ; is mgb ready?
    /mgbready=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.AltAbility[Mass Group Buff]}) /bc MGB ready in ${Math.Calc[(${Me.AltAbilityTimer[Mass Group Buff]}/1000) / 60]} min
    ; teleport bind for all wizards (port groups to bind point)
    /teleportbind=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Teleport Bind]}) /casting "Teleport Bind|alt"
    ; tells if you are not invis / levi
    /notinvis=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Me.Invis}) /bc NOT invis
    /notlevi=/noparse /bcaa //if (!${Me.Levitating}) /bc NOT levi
    ; make me leader
    /makemeleader=/bct ${Group.Leader} //makeleader ${Me.Name}
    /makemeraidleader=/bct ${Raid.Leader} //makeraidleader ${Me.Name}
    ; self cure AA:s
    /curepal=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},PAL]}) /casting "Purification"
    /curemnk=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MNK]}) /casting "Purify Body"
    /curerog=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ROG]}) /casting "Purge Posion"
    ; report current regens:
    /hpregen=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Me.HPRegen} < 1000) /bc HP REGEN: ${Me.HPRegen}
    /enduranceregen=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WAR,PAL,RNG,SHD,MNK,BRD,ROG,BST,BER]} && ${Me.EnduranceRegen} < 1000) /bc END REGEN: ${Me.EnduranceRegen}
    /manaregen=/noparse /bcaa //if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},CLR,DRU,SHM,ENC,WIZ,NEC,MAG]} && ${Me.ManaRegen} < 1000) /bc MANA REGEN: ${Me.ManaRegen}

    and some shortcuts

    ; open trade with target:
    /left=/click left target
    ; consider target:
    /right=/click right target
    ; clear corpses
    /hcn=/hidec none
    /hca=/hidec all
    /hcl=/hidec looted
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2019
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  2. clippy

    clippy A Griffin

    EDIT: credit to Barbatos for /left and /right
  3. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  4. Aliboo

    Aliboo A Griffin

    That's exactly what I've been looking for! Thank you!
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