
Discussion in 'E3' started by hudge, Dec 16, 2023.

  1. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    Hey guys, I'm am having a real issue with the cures section of any of my healers ini's. There are afew PITA dots one acquired fighting in the fire side of RSS. I am trying to put into my druids cure section of their ini to radiant cure these. Well for the life of me I cannont get this or any cure to work.
    I believe I've followed the instructions . I have Radiant Cure set to on and the following

    AutoRadiant (On/Off)=On
    RadiantCure=Pyronic Lash/MinSick|1/Zone|Riftseekers
    RadiantCure=Infected Bite/MinSick|1/Zone|Riftseekers
    RadiantCure=Pyrilen Fury/MinSick|1/Zone|Riftseekers

    Can anyone tell me where the problem is as I'm not seeing it. If I can't get this stupid thing to work, what chance do I have when I REALLY need cures to work like in COA?
  2. CE2JRH

    CE2JRH Orc Warlord

    Intuitive guess; did you double check that this is the correct shortname? Is there a backwards or forwards appostrophe in there? Riftseeker's or Riftseeker`s?
  3. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    Yes, the zone name is correct. Bandy gave me a macro that spits out the zone name in the MQ2 window. This isn't something that's just started, this has been a long term issue. Something I've been trying to get working since I got my first group to 69 and RSS