/exchange crashes clients with offhand and mainhand

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by Hive, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher


    I wanted to start using /bardswap and I tried to set it up but it kept crashing my client. So I dug into it a bit and found that /exchange is what is crashing it. If I type
    /exchange "Tympan of Shrieking Anguish" mainhand
    it crashes the client if the mainhand slot is empty or currently occupied by the bards normal wep. Happens on multiple characters. /exchange "item name" any slot other than offhand or mainhand works.. MQ2Exchange plugin is loaded. If I spell the name of the item incorrectly it correctly tells me that I do not have that item in my inventory - no crash there. /unequip mainhand works.

    Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help is apprecianted, thanks.
  2. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    Manually try to place that item into the primary slot. If you have an instrument in your secondary it wont let you.
    /exchange is forcing it there anyways. Some code somewhere is saying thats not allowed and crashing your client.

    I would HIGHLY suggest to put /exchange with instruments for the offhand only.
    MQ2 is only allowed to do things we can do in game WITHOUT it . Any added functionality is normally not allowed.
  3. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    I've now tried a ton of different combinations.

    I've tried on bard, sk, warrior, all crash the same. I Manually equipped whatever I was trying to /exchange just to make sure it worked fine regularly. I'm not trying to do anything that the bandolier can't do.
    Some /exchanges work fine 20x in a row, others crash the first time. There is no pattern that I'm seeing. Ivory Hilted Cleaver for whatever reason seems to crash any time I try to equip it with /exchange, yet Horn never seems to.

    The only thing I have left to try is /unequip that slot before I /exchange. Will try it when I get home.
  4. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    Update concerning bard swap.
    I was able to get it working easily using the bandolier instead of /exchange.