"Give me all your plat" command

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by eonEQemu, Jul 9, 2022.

  1. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    Need a toon to give you all of their platinum?
    use this procedure and commands

    first give a copper (or silver, gold, whatever) to the toon you want to get the platinum from. Then run these commands from a hotkey

    1st line
    /multiline ; /bct ${Target.CleanName} //shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money0 leftmouseup;/bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify tradewnd TRDW_MyMoney0 leftmouseup;/bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup
    2nd line
    /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup

    If you want 1 command per line, it will look like this

    1st line
    /bct ${Target.CleanName} //shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money0 leftmouseup
    2rd line
    /bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify tradewnd TRDW_MyMoney0 leftmouseup
    3rd line
    /bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup
    4th line
    /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup

    If you want gold, change the 0 to a 1, 2 for silver, 3 for copper.
    You may also just create an alias as well (that might be the best way)

    edit: fixed a misspelling
  2. Karhas

    Karhas Orc Pawn

    Tweaked it to not require the copper step, update your toonname and just target and click hotkey. Let me know how I can improve it.

    /multiline ; /bcaa //clean ; /delay 1s ; /bcaa //keypress i
    /multiline ; /bct ${Target.CleanName} //shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money0 leftmouseup ; /bct ${Target.CleanName} //tar TOONNAME ; /bct ${Target.CleanName} //click left target
    /pause 10
    /bct ${Target.CleanName} //notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
  3. trpling

    trpling Orc Centurion

    #EVENT givePlat "<#1#> Give Plat #2#"
    #EVENT givePlat "#1# tells you, 'Give Plat #2#'"
    SUB Event_givePlat(line, ChatSender, eventParams)
    /if (!${checkEventArgs[${ChatSender},${line},UZR,${eventParams}]}) /return
    |only the person the who is targeted will do this
    /if (!${c_eventArgData.Equal[${Me}]}) /return
    /windowstate InventoryWindow Open
    /if (${Me.Platinum}) {
    /shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money0 leftmouseup
    /target ${ChatSender}
    /squelch /stick
    /delay 2s
    /click leftclick target
    /delay 2s
    /shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money1 leftmouseup
    /click leftclick target
    /delay 2s
    /shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money2 leftmouseup
    /click leftclick target
    /delay 2s
    /shiftkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_Money3 leftmouseup
    /click leftclick target
    /squelch /stick off
    /delay 2s
    /notify TradeWnd TRDW_Trade_Button leftmouseup
    } else {
    /docommand ${ChatToggle} No Money
  4. Karhas

    Karhas Orc Pawn

    That looks way fancier, but how do I use it? Make it a file I assume, but is it a .inc in E3 Includes folder or something else? Trigger with /givePlat? Do I need to add anything to another file to call it?
  5. Jibekn

    Jibekn Orc Pawn

    If I'm reading that code right anyone who has that can be told by ANYONE "Give Plat" and the toon will run over to them and hand them all their plat...

    Should at least include a check so that a stranger doesn't clean you out. Check for same guild. connection inside eqbc. something.
  6. clippy

    clippy A Griffin

    This line is EQBC:
    #EVENT givePlat "<#1#> Give Plat #2#"

    This line is /tell, REMOVE IT IF YOU DONT WANT THAT:
    #EVENT givePlat "#1# tells you, 'Give Plat #2#'"

    Finally, don't run code you do not understand or trust.
  7. Jibekn

    Jibekn Orc Pawn

    Awesome. How does one load the code? throw it in a .inc file and reference it in the e3 mac?
  8. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher


    Instead of TOONNAME, can't you just use -targetid|${Me.ID} ?
    Then it would just be target a toon and use the command(hotkey)
  9. trpling

    trpling Orc Centurion

    you mean like this?
    /if (!${checkEventArgs[${ChatSender},${line},UZR,${eventParams}]}) /return
  10. Jibekn

    Jibekn Orc Pawn

    Good stuff, now just tell us all how to get it running ;)
  11. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar
