keypress ... chat

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by eonEQemu, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    How does the command usage /keypress ... chat work?
    the in game Usage: /keypress <eqcommand|keycombo> [hold|chat]

    I understand hold but not chat.
    Tried different keypress commands in game but nothing happens when I add "chat" to the end
  2. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    Not sure, but what are you trying to do?
  3. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    According to :

    Send keypress to window

    Will type "x" into the active chat window

    /keypress x chat Will type "x" into the active chat window

    I have never used that option. First thing i assumed would be to keypress something into your chat.

    Test 1 - Main Chat Window Typed: /keypress enter chat Pressed enter
    Result:MQ2 + EQ crashed.

    Test 2 - Toon1: Main Chat Window Typed: /bct Toon2name //keypress A chat. Presed enter.
    Result: Nothing ( Checked Toon #2 window)

    Test 3
    Toon2: Main Chat Window Manually Typed: AAAAA
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress enter chat. Pressed enter.
    Result: Toon2Name says AAAAA

    Test 4 ( How I would think it should work )
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress A chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress A chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress enter chat. Pressed enter.
    Result: Nothing. Visually checked

    Test 5
    Toon2: Started typing .. /say ABC
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress D chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress E chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress enter chat. Pressed enter.
    Result: Toon2name say ABCde
    *Note Capatalization Change. Assuming needed shit

    Test 6
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress / . Pressed Enter ( Note no Chat)
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress A chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress B chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress C chat. Pressed enter.
    Toon1: Main Chat Window Types: /bct Toon2name //keypress enter chat. Pressed enter.
    Result: Toon2name say abc

    So you would need to initialize the chat window first.
    Would need to input 1 letter at a time in each keypress command.
    Would need to press enter afterwards.
    Pretty much 100% useless when you can /bct Toonname //say Whatever the hell you want. Including Variables. all in 1 single line and multiple letters and variables and characters at the same time.

    Unless someone else can give me a better use for it?
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2019
  4. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    @chance yeah I just use /bca or /bct name //say for what I need in that regard. thx for explanation of use
    @Hive was trying to get back /con info from toons to check if a faction was kos, etc. I ended up using /keypress c and then using windows preview, just scroll through each toon's window and view the text without clicking the window to make it active. Kinda of a work around.
  5. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    I see. When I needed to check faction for coa gear I...
    /bcaa //tar npc_name
    /bcaa //log on
    /bcaa //keypress c
    /bcaa //log off
    Then I use notepad++ and search my logs folder for the npc name. It's pretty fast for 36 toons. Especially because none of my bots even have a log file, so the con info is the only content in the file.
  6. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    Sometimes need a /buffsoff command first so they don't switch targets.
  7. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

  8. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    yes I know about the factions list, it's not that accurate btw. I had npc respond with ready to attack when faction list said dubious.
  9. mackal

    mackal Pyrilen Fireblade

    You know there is a built in command for consider .... (/con or /consider)
  10. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    Yeah I guess. But that doesn't really change anything.:D