Leveling Guide: transitioning from live/tlp

Discussion in 'General' started by bogre, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. bogre

    bogre Orc Centurion


    This guide is mainly my notes on how to streamline my first group (and subsequently my second and thirds) journey to 70. Like many of you, we have made the trek to 60ish many times and have killed many frogs along the way. Are there better xp% per mob than frogs?? Probably not, but this guide is here to explore and capture my notes (and others if they provide them) as I level a few groups during different hot zone times.

    My tactics so far have had practically no downtime aside from the occasional wipe. I don’t go to a camp or stay stagnant. I set up my characters so that I could move through a few different camps and kill groups of mobs at once with my whole team there.

    In less than a week I made it to about level 55. I wasted a ton of time learning some of these tips and tricks and hope they will help newer players focus their efforts
    • mq2 and e3 : Download from the forums there are so many resources and helpful players to help set it up. This makes it so you can box as many chars as possible with hardly any effort
    • Xcrom: in pok near the guild lobby entrance. Send him a tell (/t xcrom buff me) and he will hit you and your group with some nice leveling buffs. Make sure to send tells on your melee for haste (sltw). At 47 these get really nice and increase your power a lot. Same with 62
    • Rogues - there is no question that rogues outperform every melee class until high level and aa. You can buy poisons every 5 levels starting at 15 that provide a massive boost to dps. These can one proc lots of mobs on your way to 30. I dropped a monk and a ranger and re-leveled 2 rogues after I was already lvl 20.
    • Corpse runs are a thing here but you can buy soul stones in the lobby and summon - rezzing doesnt really matter (in my opinion until 45+) just get your equipment and get your buffs and go back to one of the zones I mention and one kill will recover your lost xp until you reach about lvl 50.
    • Mqemulator.net - a great resource for spawn times, zone experience modifiers etc etc for eqemu.
    • Veteran AA: You have all the vet aa at your disposal and if you are using mq2 and e3 like you should just /lesson and /throne for your whole team.
    • Tutorial: Might be worth it, might not. I partially did it but just opted to go to guk instead for the better xp.
    I was disappointed in most of the supposed zem's that I tried on mqemulator.net. It is a good baseline but honestly, if you are looking to maximize exp per hour than stick to kunark. Mobs have tiny amounts of HP and wont destroy your naked group of freshies.

    Note: I did most of this during the last 1/3 of the hot zone rotation in the month

    • 1-15: Kurns/guk are both good for ds killing, kurns is nice since undead don’t run.
    • 15-30: (1-30)Upper Guk - Hands down the best xp I found. Buff up with Xcrom and make the short trip from pok. I went from 1-3 in one kill with my group on the first mob at the entrance. Light blues were giving around 5+% xp per kill in a full group around 25 without running a lesson and die very quickly to poison procs.
    • 30-35: This was my struggle spot. Dawnshroud peaks wasn't bad, but it has no dungeon xp bonus like guk. Lower guk was terrible compared to the 8% light blue kills from upper guk. Yellows barely gave my group 1%. If someone finds a good spot for this range let me know.
    • 35-47+: Kaesora was the best xp I found. Be very careful about the first drop if you are level 35 and don’t have any gear. I survived it my first time down but I didn’t a few others. The spiders will fear you if your resist are low and can wipe you easily. It was not uncommon to be getting 10% or so around level 40. It tapers off to about 3% for light blues and 2% for greens near 45 but the mobs are so easy at that level that its not worth it to move. Killing 50 of them takes less time than about anything else.
    • 45-50: This is another level range that kind of sucks compared to kaesora and guk. I would do whatever it takes to get to 47 and get keyed up for seb. I tried velks lab in velious for a few levels. Mobs have higher hp than kunark but with the lvl 45 poison you should do fine with entrance and frenzy. If you have a chanter or macro a stun to interrupt the prophets you can probably do upper dogs. Lower dogs has some Tough pulls so be careful.
    Notes: make sure to grab puma on your shaman. Go to combat buffs in your shams ini and write: Spirit of the Puma. Where it ask who you want it to be cast on I erased everything but SK because I needed aggro and rogue poisons we’re fine here.

    • 48-60: Old seb - or Howling stones. Pick the key camp you want to do. I chose Seb because the 2 hour spawn time for prods didn't seem worth it. Look up the hunter / forager cycle on p99 and find the spawn locations on mqemulator.net and use your bard or whatever method to track them down. Pretty easy compared to live because of the low mob density in TT. Just pull them to the side of the zone.

    • Notes: I tried going to seb at 45 and got rocked by the casters near the entrance. They basically one shotted my naked cleric and that was that. I handled it well at 48 and with a lesson got around 2 levels pretty easily. I never used mez while leveling up because I opted for 2 rogues and never bothered to set my bard up.

    • 55: I am still pounding frogs and just making my way from disco - bugs - abc slaughtering light blues. I was lucky enough to find an xp potion from a mini gm event so this is netting me about 1% a kill and they die really fast and I can handle groups of 5 no problem. The basement camps and jails offer a little bit more xp per kill but have a decent bit of health so for the 2% I get killing one mob down below it makes more since to slaughter 5 light blues up top.
    Note: if you have a shaman make sure you upgrade to jaguar at 57. Go to your ini and update it to cast on just your rogues. Mine would run oom fast if I had more than 3 bots in the rotation.
    • 58: about 1% if you kill juggs. I found it easier to just pull trains of low level frogs rotating between disco-abc-buggs. Every three or so was 1%.
    • 59-60: PoI - I got sick of running to seb so I checked out the planes. This isn’t horrible if you have a lesson or an xp pot. Honestly nothing is good besides a power level through this slog.
    • Alternate: I actually think PoN is better than PoI - The werevolves, hobgoblins and spiders are all pretty easy and I was able to take a lot of them at a time for some decent xp.
    Note: Upgrade shaman to leopard at 61
    • 60-62: PoN spiders in the Southern-central area are really good. Some of them are pretty tough so try and single if you are under geared.
    • 62-65+: Bastion of Thunder. I have been flying through levels in BoT and in no time I went from 62-65. Slows down a lot at 68.
    Please leave feedback so I can update this guide for different hot zone times and add some more zones for people to explore.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
  2. doeda

    doeda Orc Centurion

    35/40/45/50-59 are all hell levels, can't really do much to ease the pain there even being PL'd etc...(did roughly 25aa's PL'ing a 51-59 in Infected Paw)
  3. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    As soon as you can zone into Sebilis go there and do not leave until 70. Hot zone or not, this is the fastest path.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    this makes me sad face, so much content out there to be forced to go to Seb for best exp.
  5. emir

    emir Orc Warlord

    If you already have a group lvl70, seb is nowhere close to be the best leveling path, not only you would need to key yourself (takes time) but mob density is not that great there.

    I do
    Kurn 0-12
    Kaesora 12-47
    PoP or Paw with my already leveled toons
  6. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    I’m running 2 groups, main exp group is 57ish, second group is 52ish. I’d rather not be in seb, it’s fun but yeah mob density is not so great. I’ll have to look around. I’m ok with higher damaging mobs with lowest hp or susceptible to wiz and mage :)
  7. bogre

    bogre Orc Centurion


    PoN was really good xp. There is a camp of werewolves that were pretty easy to kill. I got sick of seb and don’t think I will go back there regardless of the nice xp.
  8. bogre

    bogre Orc Centurion

    This is a great tip but I started fresh and had to grind my way up. I did this method for my second group. Got them to level 45 in like 2 hours because I could pull all of kaesora with my sk / cleric / bard ds. Not sure if my characters are tough enough to grind them up in paw yet but would love to have a set of 12
  9. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    OP said first group. Seb is the best exp/time for your first group, easily, without contest. I also never said that it is the most fun path, I said fastest.
  10. Eastwood

    Eastwood Orc Centurion

    Hey guys!

    I used to try Kurns from 0-teenish, I hated it.

    I would agree with Emir. Kaesora is great, park yourself in the basement, those undead don't run, and that makes all the difference. I usually stay there till 51.

    Aftert that, it's pop flagging, PoI, POStorms, etc. etc.

    Later on I like PoFire for my AAs, some people prefer RSS or Paw.