Lobby West side - Corpse Summoning

Discussion in 'Macros' started by ultrax, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. ultrax

    ultrax Chetari Dominator

    Setup to summon corpses on the west side of the lobby. Posted version is for lvl70 chars.
    Adjust these (2) for your level:
    • the amount to take out of the bank <SoulStoneCost>
    • the soulstone to buy <SoulStoneToUse>

    /declare SoulStoneCost string outer 165
    /declare SoulStoneToUse string outer Pristine Soulstone

    | 1/12/2022
    | Auto Corpse Summon in Guild Lobby
    #turbo 40
    Sub Main
    /echo Guild Lobby Corpse Summoner Started
    ||||||Main Loop|||||||||||||||||||||
    | move to Center
        /moveto loc 420, 250
        /delay 20 ${MoveTo.Moving}
        /delay 150 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
        /delay ${Math.Rand[60]}
    | Check to see if you need to summon a corpse by item count
        /declare retryTimer timer outer 30s
        /declare itemCount int local
        /declare SoulStoneCost string outer 165
        /declare SoulStoneToUse string outer Pristine Soulstone
        /declare HaveSoulStone int outer
        /varset  HaveSoulStone 0
        /declare count_i int outer
        /declare merchantTotal int outer
        /varset count_i 0
        /for count_i 1 to 30
        /if (${Bool[${InvSlot[${count_i}].Item}]}) /varcalc itemCount ${itemCount} + 1
        /next count_i
        /if (${itemCount} >= 10) {
        /echo Looks like i have all my gear, so i don't need to summon a corpse.
    | If I'm in The Guild Lobby.
        /if (${Zone.ID} == 344) {
        /echo I'm in The Guild Lobby
        } else {
        /echo Not in the Guild Lobby, ending...
    | Move to Banker
        /moveto loc 477 190
        /delay 5s
        /if (${Math.Distance[477,190,2]} < 16) {
        /Target "A Shrewd Banker"
        /stick 8
        /delay 2s
        /if (${Target.Distance} < 9) {
        /keypress forward
        /echo moved to banker
        }    else {
        /goto :bankercloser
        } else {
        /goto :movetobankerloop
        /delay ${Math.Rand[60]}
    | Make Banker Withdrawl
        /Target ="A Shrewd Banker" npc
        /if (${Target.ID}) {
        |got a target
        } else {
        /delay 5
        /goto :startwithdraw
        /if (!${Window[BigBankWnd].Open}) {
        /click right target
        } else {
        /delay 5
        /goto :openbanker
        /if (!${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}) {
        /notify BigBankWnd BIGB_Money0 leftmouseup
        /delay 5 ${Window[QuantityWnd].Open}
        /for count_i 1 to 10
            /keypress backspace chat
            /delay 3
        /next count_i
        /varset count_i 0
        /for count_i 1 to ${SoulStoneCost.Length}
            /keypress ${SoulStoneCost.Mid[${count_i},1]} chat
            /delay 5
        /next count_i
        /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup
        /delay 7
        /delay 7
        /if (${Me.Platinum} < ${SoulStoneCost}) {
        /goto :startwithdraw
        /delay 3s
    | move to Center
        /delay 1s
        /moveto loc 420, 250
        /delay 20 ${MoveTo.Moving}
        /delay 150 ${MoveTo.Stopped}   
        /delay ${Math.Rand[60]}
    | move to Merchant
        /delay 1s
        /moveto loc 352, 194
        /delay 20 ${MoveTo.Moving}
        /delay 150 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
        /delay ${Math.Rand[60]}
    | Buy soulstone
        /Target "A Disciple of Luclin"
        /if (${Target.ID}) {
        |got a target
        } else {
        /delay 5
        /goto :tardisciple
        /click right target
        /delay 10 ${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}
        /delay 1s
        /if (!${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
        /delay 5
        /goto ::opendisciplewindow
        } else {
        /echo ERROR: Failed to open the soulstone merchant.
        /varset merchantTotal -1
        /if (${merchantTotal}!=${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].Items}) {
        /varset merchantTotal ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].Items}
        /delay 9
        /goto :populateMerchant
        /nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${SoulStoneToUse},2]}
        /delay 9
        /if (!${FindItemCount[${SoulStoneToUse}]}) /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup
        /delay 9
        /nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
        /delay ${Math.Rand[60]}
    | move to Summoner
        /delay 1s
        /moveto loc 460, 292
        /delay 20 ${MoveTo.Moving}
        /delay 150 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
        /delay ${Math.Rand[60]}
    /call summon_Corpse ${SoulStoneToUse}
    | move to just away from Summoner for rezzing
        /delay 1s
        /moveto loc 446, 263
        /delay 20 ${MoveTo.Moving}
        /delay 150 ${MoveTo.Stopped}
    /bct all Ready for Rez    ...
    SUB summon_Corpse(SoulStoneToUse)
        /Target "A Priestess of Luclin"
        /if (${Target.ID}) {
        |got a target
        } else {
        /goto :tarpriest
        /declare e int local
        /varset count_i 0
        /if (${Spawn[${Me}'s].ID}) /goto :check_ForCorpse
        |---Open InventoryWindow.
        /if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /nomodkey /keypress i
        /delay 10 ${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}
        |---If my inventory is not open.
        /if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) {
        |---If there is still time, retry.
            /if (${retryTimer}) {
            /goto :summonCorpse
            |---Else, announce to user.
            } else {
            /echo ERROR: Failed to open my inventory.
        |---Else, if my inventory is open.
        } else {
        |--Search packslots.
            /for count_i 1 to ${numInventorySlots}
            |---If the item in the packslot is a soulstone, pick it up.
            /if (!${Me.Inventory[pack${count_i}].Container} && ${SoulStoneToUse.Equal[${Me.Inventory[pack${count_i}]}]}) {
            /itemnotify pack${count_i} leftmouseup
            } else {
            |---If the item in the packslot is a container, search it.
            /for e 1 to ${Me.Inventory[pack${count_i}].Container}
            /if (${SoulStoneToUse.Equal[${Me.Inventory[pack${count_i}].Item[${e}]}]}) {
            /if (!${Window[pack${count_i}].Open}) /itemnotify pack${count_i} rightmouseup
            /delay 1s ${Window[pack${count_i}].Open}
            /itemnotify in pack${count_i} ${e} leftmouseup
            /next e
            /next count_i
            |---Check that the soulstone was picked up.
            /if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
            |---If there is still time, retry.
                /if (${retryTimer}) {
                /goto :summonCorpse
                |---Else, announce to user.
                } else {
                /echo ERROR: Failed to pick up my soulstone.
            |---Else, if the soulstone was picked up.
            } else {
                |----Open trade with the corpse summoner.
                /click left target
                /delay 10 ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
                |---If the GiveWnd did not open.
                /if (!${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) {
                |---If there is still time, retry.
                    /if (${retryTimer}) {
                    /goto :summonCorpse
                    |---Else, announce to user.
                    } else {
                    /echo ERROR: Failed to open the give window.
                |---Else, if the give window is open.
                } else {
                |---Give the soulstone to the corpse summoner.
                /delay 5
                /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
                /delay 10 !${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
                |---If the GiveWnd did not open
                    /if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open} || ${FindItemCount[=${SoulStoneToUse}]}) {
                    |---If there is still time, retry.
                        /if (${retryTimer}) {
                        /goto :summonCorpse
                        |---Else, announce to user.
                        } else {
                        /echo ERROR: Failed to complete the trade.
                    |---Else, if the give window is open.
                    } else {
                    |---Loot your summoned corpse.
                    /delay 3s ${Spawn[${Me}'s].ID}
                    /if (!${Spawn[${Me}'s].ID}) /echo ERROR: My corpse did not appear.