MacroQuest2 approved plug-in usage

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by Itchybottom, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. Itchybottom

    Itchybottom Protector of Zek

    Here is a list of approved MacroQuest2 plug-ins for use on ProjectEQ (in some cases, they're required by public macros such as Autobot, AdvBot, AFCleric, modbot, and zbot)

    • MQ2AdvPath
      MQ2Combat (deprecated, I highly suggest using MQ2Melee if you can)

    For descriptions of these plug-ins, most are available at the MacroQuest2 wiki

    All of the stock (un-altered) plug-ins from the official MacroQuest2 release are legal, with the exception of MQ2Map. MQ2Map has been removed from my build, and should be unloaded from your builds.

    Maudigan has an MQ2Map included in his build on that IS legal to use on ProjectEQ, if you want to use his build. It displays players and group members only. Located at: MQ2Emu_Titanium_PEQ is the release you want.

    If you are currently running a MacroQuest2 copy compiled by me or from my source code (in an un-altered state) downloaded directly from my forum, dated June 22nd, 2010 or later you are in the clear. If you require a copy of MacroQuest2, either download the official version with the proper client date from here (November 1st 2005 version), register and download a copy from my site, or download the PEQ build from

    If you would like any other plug-in publicly usable here on ProjectEQ, I urge you to submit your source code to me (or even the public) so we can review it for fairness and approval on this list. A lot of the above plug-ins are available on the MacroQuest2 forums VIP section; please respect their release and distribution policy by not posting VIP plug-ins on these forums publicly without prior permission from the author of said plug-in.

    edit: Thread information consolidated.

    edit Oct 20, 2010: Downloads from my site ( are offline until further notice. Use Maudigan's build as the alternative, or get a copy of my current build from a friend.
  2. sorvani

    sorvani Pyrilen Fireblade

    What about MQ2CastTimer? Source is right with MQ2Cast
  3. renoofturks

    renoofturks Pyrilen Fireblade

    If it aint on the list, it aint approved.
  4. sorvani

    sorvani Pyrilen Fireblade

    There is already one spell timer on the list.
  5. Itchybottom

    Itchybottom Protector of Zek

    At first glance, it looks like the main difference is exported TLO for MQ2CastTimer. I don't -really- see a need for it, but MQ2SpellTimer was allowed due to it being a requirement for a particular public macro.

    I think I'll leave this one up to Reno, since he already commented on it.

    I'm not going to include it in my compile either way, due to the fixing it needs in the XML portion for the Titanium client (it's going to cause crashes) so it'll end up like MQ2Sql and MQ2DPS for support (as in, use at your own risk and only if you're familiar with tracing a crash yourself, and fixing it)

    Mind you, I think MQ2Twist should probably be removed from the allowed plug-in list now that /melody is implemented (and it is actually a requirement for a macro - and that is the sole reason I didn't pull the plug on it) so I'm not sure yet of my stance on things that enhance automation in the client like this. A lot of MacroQuest2 features were originally allowed due to the server not having regular client features available. I think the entire project needs to be re-reviewed for usability purposes. With the SoD client, you already have exported icons on your target with durations, so as I stated -- I'm not sure if this is even needed, Titanium is likely going to become deprecated at the rate development is progressing on the newer clients.
  6. sorvani

    sorvani Pyrilen Fireblade

    there is no NEED for MQ2 to be allowed but it is. getting a reasonable sized force with TGC's real population would be a bit hard on a regular basis though.

    And his response was oh so nice and helpful. If I wanted STFU as answer I would play WoW.

    I don't use Titanium, so I don't use your stuff.

    Well in my target window, I usually see my own buffs. That's not really helpful.

    Thank you for at least answering my question though.
  7. Babkan

    Babkan Orc Centurion

    hmm was looking for some information but it seems the thread was adjusted. I was looking for the post that had the date for SoF mq2 zip. If anyone knows could you pm me please.


  8. renoofturks

    renoofturks Pyrilen Fireblade

    12-23-2008 is for SoD. I don't recall the date for the SoF build. Your best bet is to look at the date on the eqgame.exe and find a source release near that date.
  9. maudigan

    maudigan Lightning Warrior Diode

  10. trackingit2011

    trackingit2011 Orc Pawn

    I'm using the copy of MQ2 from this:

    I can't seem to use /makeleader when MQ2 is running. I'm using the version linked here in the FAQ. I also get crazy stupid output from /who that's overboard. How do I get the normal /who output back?

    I also get crashes sometimes when I minimize the mq2chatwnd plugin window. Am I somehow using old DLLs or something? I'm using windows xp sp3 and titanium. Anyone else get crashes when they minimize the plugin window?

    My method for getting characters to follow me is to /stick hold and then use hotkeys for /stick pause and /stick unpause. When I zone or succor I have to reset. Otherwise, it has worked real well. I've been unable to get /stick behind or any of hte others to work and for them to update on the output in the MQ2 window. For example, it says "Stick [behind] (off)..." no matter what. Most of them are like that and make no changes to how the character moves. Seems to work sometimes and not other times for /stick hold but haven't been able to get /stick behind and many others to work at all.

    Why is this thread almost dead? Are all the boxers on this server using something different?[/url]
  11. trackingit2011

    trackingit2011 Orc Pawn

    Solved most of my problems except the crash with ChatWnd. I elected to remove it altogether. Not having any problems. I've even written my own macro for follow/stop commands.

    It's possible ChatWnd crashed because I had shutoff MQ2 without typing /unload, but don't recall well enough whether this is what actually happened. I'm pretty sure it isn't, but...

    Life is fine without ChatWnd. I'm not missing it.

    If anybody is wanting to know how to do "/g All follow!" or "/g All stop!" just PM me here at the PEQ forums. I can send you the macro. I'm still working on improving it. It's not perfect :)
  12. sorvani

    sorvani Pyrilen Fireblade

    because this is not a MQ2 support thread. Goto the MQ2 forum for that.
  13. trackingit2011

    trackingit2011 Orc Pawn

    We use an old copy of MQ2. I can't expect them to treat problems for an old copy of MQ2.
  14. Itchybottom

    Itchybottom Protector of Zek

    I'd suspect he means go to for support on a Maudigan build. Just like you'd go to me for a build of mine (mine isn't an old version... no idea about Maud's)
  15. trackingit2011

    trackingit2011 Orc Pawn

    True. But I think some people use unapproved MQ2 versions too.
  16. Euno

    Euno Orc Pawn

    I have absolutely zero knowledge about Macroquest and having bots so this question might be really stupid but I really don't want to be kicked from the server for trying to figure out how to use Macroquest or how to run a macro in general.

    Now, I downloaded an approved version of the Titianium PEQ build at mqemulator as per requested so I think I should be good there. From what i understand though -- those files are the plugins (dlls/ini files) but in my research of learning PEQ's rules/regs about having bots, I learned that beyond the basic MQ files, macros allows for a whole range of things which may not particularly be allowed here. So in that research, I asked on the server what macros I should use and a player on the server recommended Modbot to me. Now again I have zero knowledge about macros and I just want to make sure I am running a 100% legal macro/bot system.

    I would greatly appreciate someone looking at this picture that is within my macro to see if I need to remove anything that would be considered ill-legal.

    I have tried my best in keep things legit and again, I apologize if this seems like a stupid question but I am afraid that I might mistakenly use something I am not allowed to have and be booted from the server for it .... so I thought it would be better to chance looking like a fool and ask, then have a GM/Admin look at the server logs tmrw and see things which they do not approve of.
  17. Gory

    Gory Orc Warlord

    Fresh install of ModBot can't be illegal since a fresh install of ModBot isn't configured: ModBot does nothing until configured. How you configure ModBot may be illegal.
  18. Ikeren

    Ikeren Pyrilen Fireblade

    Is Maplite legal?
  19. Gory

    Gory Orc Warlord

    Should be.

    Working link to the discussion thread.
  20. Ikeren

    Ikeren Pyrilen Fireblade

    Cheers thanks.