Mark of Retribution and Unswerving Hammer of Faith

Discussion in 'E3' started by hudge, Mar 19, 2022.

  1. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    Anyone know How to edit my cleric's ini file so she will cast these 2 spells? Mark of Retribution and Unswerving Hammer of Faith ?
  2. CE2JRH

    CE2JRH Orc Warlord

    You can add a debuff section to your clerics priorities overall document (I forget what it's called) and then add a debuffs section to your clerics .ini files...

    That being said, when I tried to do this and get rangers to snare, it never worked for me, so I'm probably missing something
  3. hudge

    hudge Orc Centurion

    That would work for Mark of Ret, but any ideas about the Hammer pet?
    I think the problem your having with your ranger is in the advanced setting.ini Rangers don't have a debuff entry in their section. Think you would need to add
    RNG Function#8=check_Debuffs
    Might work, might not, might blow your computer up....if that happens please don't blame me, I'm pretty much a noob with E3 :p
  4. Tharsis

    Tharsis Orc Legionnaire

    Mark of Retribution has no resist modifier. Anytime I've tried to use it - manually - it hasn't stuck. Even on raid mobs that are tash'd and malo'd it almost never sticks. And by almost never, I mean I can't recall a time it stuck. In my opinion, it's not worth trying to get it to work.

    Cleric hammer pet is a unique spell. It's not a DoT and not a debuff - the mob doesn't receive a buff/debuff with a duration - so e3 can't ever see it "land." E3 has a specific method for triggering AA pets but not spell pets. The closest e3 section which will successfully trigger the cleric pet hammer is a nuke you only want to cast once per mob. You'll have to edit the cleric advanced settings to add nukes. You'll have to add an /IFS or something else to handle the only once per mob part.

    For both spells, a manual hotkey is most likely to be successful.
    /bct ClericName //casting "Unswerving Hammer of Faith|gem8" -targetid|${Target.ID}
    /bct ClericName //casting "Mark of Retribution|gemm9" -targetid|${Target.ID} -MaxTries|3