Remove auto-guildhall kick in PoK

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by tibbs, Sep 24, 2023.

  1. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    PoK is mostly deserted now in general except to travel or to buy spells. would it be too much to ask to remove the auto-kick?

    I realize there might be confirmation bias here since maybe the reason it's staying empty is due to the auto-kick, but most people just seem to be in GL now due to buffbot and rezzers being there.
  2. Uridium

    Uridium Orc Pawn

    POK is still used (at lease I use it for a lot of my Tradeskill needs).
    It's always quite a load on my computer porting there to head to PoT etc, even now, it can take a while for all my guys to load up in there.

    It gets even worse with people armies standing around. Not sure why people fell they need to park right by the port in.

    Sorry but i would have to request that the auto-kick is left running.
    If people want to AFK they have a guild hall.
  3. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    That's a totally fair point. I mostly came from the fact that the spell vendors are a little more spread out and not as compacted anymore (which I appreciate is era accurate) so while im buying spells and re-configuring my guys while leveling, the toons I haven't gotten to yet get booted to guildhall is all.

    But overall it's only a pain during leveling, so maybe not worth revamping the benefit of keeping pok empty for performance/stability issues.