Single target/one time only casting

Discussion in 'E3' started by lackobrain, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. lackobrain

    lackobrain Orc Pawn

    Hello all,

    I've just restarted playing on PEQ and having a blast setting up and getting used to my first e3 controlled group, I've got 5 bots that I'm driving from my main bard who acts as puller for the group. Seems to be working well but I have a question I can't get to the bottom of myself!

    Is there a way to cast a single, one time only spell/ability on a mob/PC I'm targeting?

    For example, when I'm crawling it would sometimes be good to be able to target a mob and then ask the attached bots to for example chuck a root on a runner. Try as I might I can't make this happen, can anyone tell me if it's possible & what the syntax or ini setting I'm looking for might be?

    Thanks kindly!
  2. clippy

    clippy A Griffin

    /bct toonname //casting "Spell or AA name" -targetid|${Target.ID}
  3. lackobrain

    lackobrain Orc Pawn

    Thanks clippy, simple as I was using cast rather than casting /facepalm