Utanooniisan and The Grand Creation - Poll

Discussion in 'General' started by Ladrone, Jan 16, 2024.


Have you had a negative experience with this individual?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. Ladrone

    Ladrone Orc Pawn

    This guy has repeatedly stolen spawns from me. I typically run one to two groups and he will show up with 3+, does not respond to tells or shouts in the zone, simply barges into spawns and steals the kills then runs off and appears to /quit out, his whole raid going LD shortly after looting the corpse. Previously I just tried to ignore it, but it has been happening too often now.

    Furthermore, this guy has such disregard for the community, he has even named his guild Dung of Asia to mock Barbatos's guild, one of the most helpful people on the server.

    Normally I wouldn't bother to complain but I feel like this has been going on for a while and there must be others who have had run-ins with this individual. The fact that he is blatant with the naming of his guild, shows the lack of respect he has for the community.
  2. Remi

    Remi Orc Pawn

    I can confirm that Utanooniisan ignores communications in favor of his own well being. Twice over, when camping in PoFear, he has ignored numerous means of communication (shouts, tells, and ooc) and proceeded to impede upon my camp. On of those times, he began loading in his army as I was clearing to kill a golem.

    So unless he is automating the movements, or ignoring camps/not communicating, then he not abiding by the server rules.

    Previously, I had no issues with Utan. There was communication until there wasn't. In light of "Dung of Asia", I'd suspect there is an underlying issue that I'm unaware of where he holds a grudge against the entirety of the guild.

    I'll leave off saying that I am not a fan of someone "not being allowed" on PEQ unless they are an absolute menace or a confirmed repeat offender. It isn't 1999 anymore and we can choose to not be toxic and have some nostalgic fun.
  3. Ladrone

    Ladrone Orc Pawn

    I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to respond and vote, although not everyone has had a negative experience with this individual it is clear that I am not alone. I appreciate the awareness you are helping to create, hopefully @Utano can be more considerate of those he encounters going forward.
  4. Utano

    Utano Orc Pawn

    I have rights to ignore liars as human. Though not sure have it been ever matter increasing or decreasing players population, how many people actually playing now? Maybe 10-20 and more than half are just afk or staying at char select screen. Then where is the community good people helping each other? I don't have any bad impression for Barbatos, yes sure he and a few people tried to understand my bad English and helped me a lots. Dragon of Asia and your Frosted like Denali? and another guild that have large number of member had been ever done anything good for the server? Gave a way ton of rots and flags for noobs? who still playing ?
    Anyway if ya think I am wrong, report it to Akkadius or someone who have power to ban me with evidence. No problem. I can enjoy good old PEQ on my private server ... t_start_server_with_liogin.bat 2023/03/18 ... is this copy of pre DoN PEQ, right?
  5. Ladrone

    Ladrone Orc Pawn

    I understand that your English is not great, I envy you for being able to communicate in more than just your native language, something many people are not capable of. I just want to bring to the attention of others, that a little communication can go a long way. I have had positive experiences with you in the past, in Noble's Causeway for an epic fight and in Wall of Slaughter teaming up for the Hivequeen, but it seems lately something has changed. I play on this server for the interaction with others, playing solo on a private server is not the same experience for me. I would prefer to be able to get along with others and have open communication especially if there is a misunderstanding. I feel like I help a lot of people out, whether with in-game loot or with configuration and scripting. If you want to continue to ignore people that is your prerogative and if automation is how you like to play while AFK, then I wish you the best playing alone on your private server.