Block recommended spells by class

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by Remi, Jan 27, 2022.

  1. Remi

    Remi Orc Pawn

    Save this macro as blockspell.mac and run it (/bcaa //ma blockspell) to block the suggested spells.

    #turbo 80
    Sub Main
      /blockspell clear me
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BRD]}) /blockspell add me 5522, 5272, 5278, 5537, 4108, 5366
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BST]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5278
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BER]}) /blockspell add me 5522, 5272, 5278, 5537, 4108, 5366
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},CLR]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 3383, 5417, 5306, 5312
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},DRU]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 3383, 5417, 5306, 5312
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ENC]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 3383, 5417, 5306, 5312
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MAG]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 3383, 5417, 5306, 5312
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MNK]}) /blockspell add me 5522, 5272, 5278, 5537, 4108, 5366
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},NEC]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 3383, 5417, 5306, 5312
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},PAL]}) /blockspell add me 5277, 5366, 5409, 5306, 5537, 5272
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},RNG]}) /blockspell add me 5522, 5278, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ROG]}) /blockspell add me 5522, 5272, 5278, 4108, 5366
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHD]}) /blockspell add me 5277, 5366, 5409, 5306, 5305, 5537, 5272
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHM]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 5417, 3383, 5306, 5312
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WAR]}) /blockspell add me 5409, 5277, 5522, 5306, 5272, 5537, 4108, 5366
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WIZ]}) /blockspell add me 5521, 5409, 5278, 5417, 5306, 5312
      /blockspell display me
  2. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    Hey I put like classes together, the spells in numeric order and added spell names.

    #turbo 80
    Sub Main
    |WAR: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5277^Balikor's Mark^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |ROG: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^
    |MNK: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |BER: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |BRD: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |PAL: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5277^Balikor's Mark^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^;5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |SHD: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5277^Balikor's Mark^; 5305^Guard of the Earth^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^;5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |RNG: 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |BST: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^
    |CLR: 3383^Talisman of the Wrulan^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^
    |DRU: 3383^Talisman of the Wrulan^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^
    |SHM: 3383^Talisman of the Wrulan^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^
    |ENC: 3383^Talisman of the Wrulan^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^
    |MAG: 3383^Talisman of the Wrulan^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^
    |NEC: 3383^Talisman of the Wrulan^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^ 
    |WIZ: 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^ 
      /blockspell clear me
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WAR]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5277, 5306, 5366, 5409, 5522, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ROG]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5522, 5366
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MNK]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5366, 5522, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BER]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5366, 5522, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BRD]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5366, 5522, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},PAL]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5277, 5306, 5366, 5409, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHD]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5277, 5305, 5306, 5366, 5409, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},RNG]}) /blockspell add me 5278, 5522, 5537 
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BST]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5278
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},CLR]}) /blockspell add me 3383, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},DRU]}) /blockspell add me 3383, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHM]}) /blockspell add me 3383, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ENC]}) /blockspell add me 3383, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MAG]}) /blockspell add me 3383, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},NEC]}) /blockspell add me 3383, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WIZ]}) /blockspell add me 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521 
      /blockspell display me
  3. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    I updated this file for option 2, using SV on tanks, SotH on dps, Brells on casters
    #turbo 80
    Sub Main
    |WAR: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |ROG: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |MNK: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |BER: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |BRD: 4108^Aura of Reverence^; 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5522^Voice of Clairvoyance^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |PAL: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5277^Balikor's Mark^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^;5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 
    |SHD: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5277^Balikor's Mark^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^;5297^ Brell's Brawny Bulwark; 5305^Guard of the Earth^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5366^Blessing of Steeloak^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5537^Spiritual Ascendance^
    |RNG: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^;
    |BST: 5272^Aura of Devotion^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^;
    |CLR: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^
    |DRU: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^
    |SHM: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^
    |ENC: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^
    |MAG: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^
    |NEC: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^ 
    |WIZ: 3628^Symphony of Battle^; 5278^Hand of Conviction^; 5306^Strength of the Hunter^; 5312^Howl of the Predator^; 5409^Talisman of Might^; 5417^Champion^; 5521^Hastening of Salik^; 5530^Spiritual Vitality^ 
      /blockspell clear me
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WAR]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5297, 5306, 5409, 5522, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ROG]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5297, 5522, 5530, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MNK]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5297, 5522, 5530, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BER]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5297, 5522, 5530, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BRD]}) /blockspell add me 4108, 5272, 5278, 5297, 5522, 5530, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},PAL]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5277, 5278, 5297, 5304, 5306, 5366, 5409
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHD]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5277, 5278, 5297, 5305, 5306, 5366, 5409, 5537
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},RNG]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5278, 5306, 
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},BST]}) /blockspell add me 5272, 5278, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},CLR]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},DRU]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},SHM]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ENC]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MAG]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},NEC]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530
      /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},WIZ]}) /blockspell add me 3628, 5278, 5306, 5312, 5409, 5417, 5521, 5530 
      /blockspell display me
    Last edited: May 9, 2022
    • Useful Useful x 1