Broken Starting Cities

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by skace, Nov 28, 2017.

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  1. skace

    skace Orc Pawn

    I have a number of chars that never registered a proper starting city and it affects their ability to progress in epic 1.5. These characters are all level 70 and think their starting cities are "The Mines of Gloomingdeep"

    I believe this happened because I started these chars in Gloomingdeep but then exited it without following the arc - although I'm not sure as these characters were all created in 2011.

    Characters affected:

    They never got notes for their guildmasters / etc.
  2. joligario

    joligario GM Staff Member

    Pixle’s home is erudnint, Seis is qrg. Didn’t go through them all. What makes you think their home is in tutorial?
  3. mackal

    mackal Pyrilen Fireblade

    They fixed them with /setstartcity, I asked them to post the toons where /setstartcity failed ...
  4. skace

    skace Orc Pawn

    The reason I posted is because the /Charinfo still says "Plane of Knowledge, The Mines of Gloomingdeep, Halas" instead of "Plane of Knowledge, Halas". And I was concerned they weren't properly registering home cities. I'm trying to identify why my Berserker, Skace, can't register the epic 1.5 hail to hometown guildmaster. I'm going to redo the first flag in Lake of Ill Omen today and see if I can make any progress. Thanks.
  5. huffin

    huffin GM Staff Member

    Start city has nothing to do with that , try a different guildmaster , if that doesn’t work you probably missed a flag somewhere
  6. skace

    skace Orc Pawn

    I'm not sure I believe that starting city has nothing to do with it. I have 2 berserkers - 1 Vah Shir and 1 Barbarian. I started both their 1.5s yesterday, they both hailed Keras. The Vah Shir (rezab) went to starting city, hailed the GM and received orb. The Barbarian (skace) went to starting city (after fixing it with /setstartcity), hailed the GM and received the unflagged text (Join our guild, ask about your tome, etc).

    The Vah Shir does not have the bugged starting city, the Barbarian did.

    I sent the barbarian back to Keras today and hailed a hundred times just to make sure I wasn't missing the flag. I also asked about matters at hand to see if I could move forward (didn't work), I then went back to Halas again and tried the hail and still it won't work. I'm having trouble with a missed flag when I'm at the beginning of the quest. I have the epic 1.0 (I'm weilding it) and I do get the correct starting text from Keras (have you spoken to your guildmaster yet?). I will try another starting zone, but I can only test within the reasonable faction of my Barbarian, which immediately rules out Oggok. I will faction check Kaladim and Vah Shir.

    Thanks for the replies.

    Oh and I will also add, I looked at the script and while starting city nor faction seem to matter from a script persective, I also cannot explain why I cannot move forward which is why I pursued this angle. I will check the script again, but otherwise I'm completely stuck.
  7. skace

    skace Orc Pawn

    Well, The Vah Shir GM gave my Barbarian the orb. So I guess the script isn't functional on the Barbarian GM Shanis MacDarren. My apologies and thanks.
  8. mackal

    mackal Pyrilen Fireblade

    The last bind listed is always the starting city.
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