Can we make Raid Experience equal to Normal Experience ?

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by Skullkrusher, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Skullkrusher

    Skullkrusher Orc Pawn

    Making raid experience equal to normal experience would be a huge comfort of life boon for everyone. We could all use lessons across all characters in raid at once helping us work on those much needed AA's. I ran it in raid just to check out exactly how bad it was and it doesn't even net 1 AA in the 30minute time frame. That is so low that its honestly ridiculous. I can't believe this hasn't already been done. I get why on live , because they didn't have the ability to box like we can. On here it just makes good sense. In the grand scheme of things what would it hurt to make this change ?
  2. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    You just need to setup macros to control multiple groups at the same time, I pull for 4 different groups at once and get regular exp. There are other methods, esp when you want to just focus on one group getting exp as well.
    /multiline ; /xtar 1;/assistme /only|Tank1... etc, then have each tank call group assist. /bct Tank1 //assistme /only|group... etc
    you can use xtar 1 through xtar 5
  3. Skullkrusher

    Skullkrusher Orc Pawn

    I appreciate that idea but it sounds like a lot of extra work and you'd still have some groups ks'ing exp from weaker groups. I think my idea would solve the issue and would equalize exp gain across the entire raid force. Im curious to hear what others that are still working on aa's think of it and also what Akk and others who are in charge of making changes think about it and if there is some logical reason why the change shouldn't be made.
  4. Trust

    Trust GM

    Since PEQ is the baseline vanilla build for all of EQEmu, I highly doubt this change would be implemented. However it is something you can tweak on a private build of EQEmu or other servers that may have this request already implemented.
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  5. Skullkrusher

    Skullkrusher Orc Pawn

    Well , i suppose that's close to the answer i expected to get . Thanks for taking the time to answer.
  6. tibbs

    tibbs Orc Centurion

    IMO the main reason this won't happen on any "legit" eq server (meaning mechanically balanced closely to live) is because of how raid xp works. Specifically - raid xp doesn't scale with size, it's implemented as a flat multiplier (in this case a fractional multiplier) against individual xp. So in order to do it in a "fair" way, you'd have to rebuild the xp mechanics for raids to scale based on size. Assuming you can't, we can assume a "fair" boxing raid size is 54 since that's the cap for *most* endgame raid instances now.

    to do some quick maths, even 1 AA in 30min on a 54 box == 54 AAs. Or maybe, since you mentioned lesson, let's assume 1/2 an AA without lesson == 27 AAs total.

    A group of 6 would need to get 4.5 AAs in 30min to get the same amount of total AAs (without lesson). This is roughly achievable in normal circumstances, showing that the current implementation, knowing that raid xp doesn't scale with size, is "fairly balanced"
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