Chanter Charm Improvements

Discussion in 'E3' started by Glitter, Sep 10, 2022.

  1. Glitter

    Glitter Orc Pawn

    So from maining a chanter and also playing 3 boxes with charm pet as my main tank + dps I have learned quite a lot over the years. Chanters are extremely powerful when played properly, and the pets are incredibly dangerous. But with automation, you can really get the full potential of that big charm DPS with low risk.

    A few improvements I made to my charm macro do the following
    1) Paladin stuns pet on charm break, this prevents the chanter from dying and also brings the pet attention to a tank
    2) Ranger ensnares / entraps pet, this is 14+ minute snare which keeps your pet from getting to you in that brief time when charm breaks and your pet has to run to you. Also draws aggro away from the chanter.
    3) Shaman casts malo on pet, reducing its MR makes charm last longer. Should also stack tash.
    4) Mage gives pet toys. Greatly increases pet dmg, when dual wielding they now quad + proc.

    My coding is so incredibly limited so please if you have any improvements, feel free to comment so we can all benefit from it.

    Into the look for the subrouted check_charm. under line 167 you'll see /docommand Charming ect. This is where e3 calls to start the charm routine. I added the following:

                /docommand ${ChatToggle} << Charming ${charmTarget} ${Spawn[id ${charmTarget}].CleanName} with ${charmArray2D[${s},${iCastName}]} >>
                /bct Glitterlady //casting "Serene Command" -targetID|${charmTarget}
                /bct Glittershamz //casting "Malos" -targetID|${charmTarget}
                /bct Glittershoots //casting "Ensnare" -targetID|${charmTarget}
                /timed 50 /tell Glittermage pet weapons
                /call e3_Cast ${charmTarget} "charmArray2D" "${s}"
  2. Zyrek

    Zyrek Orc Pawn

    Have you tried with multiple charms ?
  3. Glitter

    Glitter Orc Pawn

    Yes I have 2 chanters in my raid. I can pick two different targets to charm and they will handle them, thats built into E3 though, nothing to do with what I added.
  4. chance

    chance Enraged War Boar

    no retrys?
    not using e3's built in casting?
    message me on discord ... i've got some stuff for you too :)