Will heal connected characters to NetBots. Can cast large heals on tanks and smaller heals on other classes. Adjust the (2) SpellHealLarge/Small spells as needed. SpellHealLarge is set for gem2 SpellHealSmall is set for gem3 HealAt is when character is @ 85% health as posted Code: | 2022/1/10 | Cleric NetHealer Macro | Events++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #event mydeath "You have been slain by #*#!" #event zoned "You have entered#*#" #turbo 40 Sub Main | Declares++++++++++++++++++++++++ /declare i int outer 0 /declare j int outer 0 /declare Toons string outer ${NetBots.Client} /declare ToonName string outer /declare SpellHealLarge string outer "Supernal Light" /declare SpellHealSmall string outer "Divine Light" /declare HealAt int outer 85 |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /echo Cleric NetHealer (H4) has Started /bct all Cleric NetHealer (H4) has Started |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :Main_Loop /delay 2 /if (${Me.Casting.ID} || ${Me.Moving}) /goto :Main_Loop /call HealingLoop /doevents /goto :Main_Loop /return |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sub HealingLoop /for i 0 to ${NetBots.Counts} /varset ToonName ${Toons.Arg[${i}, ]} /if (${NetBots[${ToonName}].InZone} && ${Spawn[${ToonName}].Distance3D} <= ${Spell[${SpellHealLarge}].MyRange} && ${NetBots[${ToonName}].PctHPs}<${HealAt}) { /target ID ${NetBots[${ToonName}].ID} /delay 1s ${Target.ID}==${NetBots[${ToonName}].ID} /if (${Target.ID}==${NetBots[${ToonName}].ID} && ${NetBots[${ToonName}].Class.ShortName.Equal[WAR]} || ${NetBots[${ToonName}].Class.ShortName.Equal[PAL]} || ${NetBots[${ToonName}].Class.ShortName.Equal[SHD]}) { /delay 15s ${Cast.Ready[2]} /casting ${SpellHealLarge} gem2 -maxtries|5 /delay 5s ${Cast.Ready[2]} } /if (${Target.ID}==${NetBots[${ToonName}].ID} && !${NetBots[${ToonName}].Class.ShortName.Equal[WAR]} || !${NetBots[${ToonName}].Class.ShortName.Equal[PAL]} || !${NetBots[${ToonName}].Class.ShortName.Equal[SHD]}) { /delay 15s ${Cast.Ready[3]} /casting ${SpellHealSmall} gem3 -maxtries|5 /delay 5s ${Cast.Ready[3]} } } /next i } /return |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sub mydeath /echo Died. Starting Wait4Rez /macro wait4rez /delay 1s /endmacro /return Sub event_zoned /echo Unexpected zoning encounterd. Macro ending. /endmacro /return |+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /endmacro