e3 Customization Approval Request

Discussion in 'E3' started by Jibekn, Aug 4, 2022.

  1. Jibekn

    Jibekn Orc Pawn

    I spent a few hours checking out the innards of e3 and doing a few proof of concepts test with what I'm envisioning.

    So far I think Ill be able to make the following customizations to e3, but before I put in the effort I want to make sure it will be allowed to be used on the server. No one likes wasted time :)

    What I would like to do is track long duration debuffs using an ini file, and then check against it within the e3 debuff casting section, the result will be that you'll be able to setup mutiple bots of the same class, with the same debuff, and they will no cast overtop of each others debuffs WITHOUT needing the inspect buffs leadership AA.

    I could also use this method to get mez working without needing the InspectBuffs Leadership AA.

    But before I put in a bunch of work, testing and troubleshooting, I want to know if the outlined changes would be allowed on the server.

    Thank you for your time.