Enhancement: Proc buffs turn on/off with ExpGroup on/off

Discussion in 'E3' started by mrelephant, Dec 25, 2017.

  1. mrelephant

    mrelephant Orc Pawn

    Hey Cream,

    After getting rogue poisons working and ExpGroup running on my 2 groups, my "off" group was still out-DPSing my "on" group. I realized that Panther was adding around 800-1000 DPS to the group, so I added functionality to toggle Proc buffs on and off when ExpGroup is on and off. See added code below. Perhaps if people like/agree to this, we could get it into the next version? Or, perhaps we could make the functionality another toggle-able setting in General ini? Let me know what you think.

    Green = Add
    Yellow = Change
    Red = Remove

    E3 Version: 7.0
    File: e3_Basics.inc

    SUB EVENT_exp_group(line, ChatSender, expToggle)
    /if (!${checkEventArgs[${ChatSender},${line},UZ,${expToggle}]}) /return

    /if (${Select[${c_eventArgData},On,Yes,True,1]} > 0) {
    /call IniToArrayV "${Character_Ini},Melee Abilities,Ability#" MyAbilities
    /if (${Defined[MyAbilities]}) /call BuildSpellArray "MyAbilities" "Abilities2D"
    /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[Rog]}) {
    /call buff_SpellArrays
    /if (${Defined[strikeDiscStr]}) {
    /varset strikeDisc ${strikeDiscStr.Arg[1,/]}
    /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ENC,SHM]}) {
    | Turn proc buffs on
    /varset procBuff TRUE

    /if (${Ini[${Character_Ini},Nukes,${KSSpellSet}].Length}) /call event_SpellSet "PLACEHOLDER" "${Me}" ${KSSpellSet}
    /if (${Ini[${Character_Ini},Swap Items,${KSWeaponSet}].Length}) /swap ${KSWeaponSet}
    /echo \ag KS Mode Activated - get exp

    |remove anything that could kos when out of group
    } else /if (${Select[${c_eventArgData},Off,No,False,0]} > 0) {
    /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},${Ini[${genSettings_Ini},ExpGroup,NoCombatAbil]}]}) {
    /if (${Defined[MyAbilities]}) /deletevar MyAbilities
    /if (${Defined[Abilities2D]}) /deletevar Abilities2D
    /if (${Ini[${Character_Ini},Nukes,${NoKSSpellSet}].Length}) /call event_SpellSet "PLACEHOLDER" "${Me}" ${NoKSSpellSet}
    /if (${Defined[NoKSWeaponSet]} && ${Ini[${Character_Ini},Swap Items,${NoKSWeaponSet}].Length}) /swap ${NoKSWeaponSet}
    /if (${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},ENC,SHM]}) {
    | Turn proc buffs off
    /varset procBuff FALSE

    /if (${Me.Class.ShortName.Equal[Rog]}) {
    /varset strikeDisc 0
    /declare poisonInUse string local
    /declare i int local
    /if (${Defined[poisonPR]}) {
    /if (${Bool[${Me.Buff[${FindItem[=${poisonPR}].Spell}]}]}) /varset poisonInUse ${poisonPR}
    /if (${Defined[poisonFR]}) {
    /if (${Bool[${Me.Buff[${FindItem[=${poisonFR}].Spell}]}]}) /varset poisonInUse ${poisonFR}
    /if (${Defined[poisonCR]}) {
    /if (${Bool[${Me.Buff[${FindItem[=${poisonCR}].Spell}]}]}) /varset poisonInUse ${poisonCR}
    /if (${Defined[CombatBuffs2D]}) {
    /for i 1 to ${CombatBuffs2D.Size[1]}
    /if (${CombatBuffs2D[${i},${iCastName}].Find[${poisonInUse}]}) {
    /call RemoveSpellArrayElement "CombatBuffs2D" ${i}
    /goto :remove_poisons
    /next i
    /if (${Defined[SelfBuffs2D]}) {
    /for i 1 to ${SelfBuffs2D.Size[1]}
    /if (${SelfBuffs2D[${i},${iCastName}].Find[${poisonInUse}]}) {
    /call RemoveSpellArrayElement "SelfBuffs2D" ${i}
    /goto :remove_poisons
    /next i
    /squelch ${Me.Buff[${FindItem[=${poisonInUse}].Spell}].Remove}
    /echo \ag NoKS Mode Activated - do not get exp
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  2. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    So in order to make my non-exp groups stop casting proc buffs all I would have to do is add those two green sections you have to e3_Basics.ini?
  3. mrelephant

    mrelephant Orc Pawn

  4. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    How do you setup the exp group in the macro? How do you toggle it on and off?
  5. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    /expgroup on or /expgroup yes will toggle all toons to get exp (act normally) /expgroup off (and possibly /expgroup no) will toggle all toons to not get exp. So you can /expgroup off followed by /expgroup on /only|group to get only your group to get exp and you can /bct that command to make any group get the exp.
  6. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    Thank you! I’ll have to try when I get home. Iirc, /expgroup on did not work for me.
  7. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    yeah, neither commands work as far as i can tell
  8. Merstin

    Merstin Orc Centurion

    ok, the bc command works, just need to make an alias. Thanks! Not sure the /only|group part. what do I put in the "group" statement?