Error with my buffbot

Discussion in 'E3' started by devmyster, Jan 21, 2020.

  1. devmyster

    devmyster Orc Pawn

    Hello recently (last few days) I've been having issues with buffbot, at first none of my characters with Buff Bot on buffed anyone else. Now, out of no where (i literally didn't do anything) 2 of my characters will buff my main tank. However I tried adding my Rogue's name for a Buff Bot entry and he gets no buff's, what is strange is when I turn on BuffBot debug (in advancedsettings.ini) I am able to see that e3 recognizes that my rogue is in the ini and tries to buff him, but buffbot returns that he already has that buffname or short name, even though my character has no buffs on at all. I'll attach my picture of BuffBot Debug, and my .ini
    This is happening on most current e3 macros.
    My Main Tank "Gloat" is getting buffed, however my rogue "Stabbinmcgabbin" is not getting any buffs.
    I have my e3 data.ini cleared to just be my 6 characters as entries.
  2. jeet

    jeet Orc Pawn

    So I had a similar issue at one time. It happened when no buffs were on the bot. The buff macro seemed to skip over the toon. After I started using group buffs (group temp, aego, etc...) and there was at least on buff on the toon, then the buffers would recognize the netbot again. It was weird. Another weird thing about it was that it only did this when I was using a custom UI. If I switched to the default UI it worked fine.

    Hope that helps a little.
  3. devmyster

    devmyster Orc Pawn

    And all of a sudden it works..
  4. Hive

    Hive Froglok Krup Watcher

    When stuff like that happens to me I check my ini files for empty spaces and lines that are not used. Look for leading or trailing spaces in your files. Also what are the Group Buff L1= and Group Buff L47= lines? I'd remove those.
  5. Drogerin

    Drogerin GM Staff Member

    Those are the new buff lines that allow you to buff both high level players and low level players. It was introduced in recent update of e3 by Creamo.