Missing item

Discussion in 'Suggestions / Requests' started by Stephen M Juday, Apr 10, 2020.

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  1. Stephen M Juday

    Stephen M Juday Orc Pawn

    After playing for several hours my J boots vanished from my inventory after logging out in the POK. I am missing numerous items but the j boots are all I really care about. I completed the quest over 2 weeks ago, so you can verify that I had them. They are not in the bank, or in any bag or box I have on the toon Teven, Level 64 Mage, that had them. Please help!!!
  2. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    just an FYI, you can camp for Fabled Jboots in Najena. I got a pair while doing my mage's epic. Hope you get your items restored.
  3. mackal

    mackal Pyrilen Fireblade

    We very rarely restore non-epic related items.
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