MQ2 stuff in OOC 5-21 to 5-28

Discussion in 'General MQ2' started by eonEQemu, May 29, 2023.

  1. eonEQemu

    eonEQemu Froglok Krup Watcher

    is there a command to make a char loot corpses from kills that didn't give xp?
    No just make a hotkey /tell looter01 loot on (even if it is already on) and the looter will loot any new corpses. If you want him to recheck old corpses (in the case of making changes to the loot ini file), use /bct looter01 //hidec none, then use /tell looter01 loot on

    using charm
    target the mob then /charmon or /charmoff

    spell set usage
    /sss to save
    /ssm (name) to load
    /ssl to list names saved
    /ssd (name) to delete a spell set

    autogroup commands
    /savegroup (name)
    /group (name) to join groups
    in e3 Macro Inis folder there is a file Saved Groups.ini
    It has a bunch of premade groups in it. Delete them/edit them in here.

    if you change something in the ini files, do you have to restart for it to take effect for example adding a self buff?
    yes /bcaa //mac e3 to reload all toons
    /bct Toonname //mac e3 to just reload 1 toon
    NOTE: LootSettings.ini changes does not need /mac e3 to take effect, save the file and close out before you use /autosell or /tell loot on as new items will not be added if the file is open.

    testing out a simple self buff macro - went into ini file and added [self buff=minor shielding/gemI8 when i /mac e3 my toon states they dont have that spell when they clearly do. any ideas?

    When I copied and pasted I noticed there is an I (eye) between Gem and 8 instead of the | (pipe symbol) character.
    When adding buffs to ini or changes make sure everything is spelled exactly.
    Self Buff=Minor Shielding/Gem|8
    For spells like Shaman's Bih`Li or Wizard's O`Keils, note that is not an apostrope (') it is a grave accent (`), usually on the tilde key next to 1 key.
    If you still have trouble, try modeling it after the example bot ini files located on

    ive looked through a bunch of guides of MQ and might have overloocked it but are there any commands in regards to getting your casters to meditate?
    /medon hold
    /medon /only|casters
    /medon /only|casters hold
    /medon /not|me
    /medon /not|WAR,PAL,SHD
    /bca //sit
    /bca //stand

    Sometimes one or two of my toons dont follow and when i click follow they swap around with the ones who are following any way to fix that?
    /followme /only|casters
    /followme /not|WAR,PAL,SHD
    /mtm (move to me)
    /mtt (Move to target)
    /mtm /only|${Target.Name} (only my target, move to me)
    Also consider if they are buffing or looting when you decide to move. You may want to use /bc Toggle Buffs Off and /tell looter loot off when moving, then /bc Toggle Buffs On and /tell looter loot on when making camp or stopping.

    is there any way i can cast a single spell from one of my toons without attaching it to dots/debuffs?
    if it's a buff or translocate you can just give the toon a tell with the buff name (or clicky name)
    if it needs a mob or player to target (in the case of debuffs/dots)
    /bct toonname //casting spellname -targetid|${Target.ID}

    mezz on but my chanter just casts it over and over until shes oom, when i keep it turned off and try /mezon hoping to do it manually it doesnt work at all, does anyone have any tips for me please
    Leadership AA Inspect Buffs will not have them spam it over and over.

    when you die, e3 goes into rez mode and just sits and waits for a rez. /bcaa //mac e3 will cure that

    trying to make a hotbutton which would allow my cleric to target my target and cast pacify

    I like multiline cause I can add in an audio confirmation or /g chat.

    /multiline ; /bct clrname id ${Target.ID};/timed 1 /bct clrname //casting Pacify;/timed 31 /vplay 008;

    change timed 30 +1 to whatever the actual cast time is. for me it is 2.3 seconds so I'd use 23 +1.

    one of my new bards keeps casting aura of insight rather than aura of the muse. any idea why that might be? he has both spells has a section on Auras.
    LVL 70 aura will NOT automatically turn itself on if you still have the lvl 55 aura on.
    To turn off the lvl 55 aura, you MUST use the AURA window ( NOT the buff window)
    Default Hotkey ( ALT+A) think default is Shift+A Alt+A is bazzar window
    EQ → Character → Auras

    how do i tell my ench that his buff is not sticking cause we have a higher lvl buff and its ok to stop casting it?
    add /CheckFor|Buff Name to end of spells in ini.
    alternately, remove it from ini and just add it to a manual buff command/hotkey.

    im stuck
    use call of hero, evacuate/succor, port, translocate, origin, throne of heroes or go onto website
    find your character and move them to the Nexus using character mover. If you find a spot where a character gets stuck and should not get stuck, report it as a bug.

    command to make all toons /Viewport reset?
    /Bcaa //Viewport reset

    my casters arent going into melee
    ini settings have them not melee
    /combatmode melee

    Is there a way to bcaa something like $ {Me.Level} and have it return everyone elses level? when I do it they all just return my level because it doesn't pass the variable to passes the result of the variable
    /noparse /bcaa //g ${Me.Level}

    for some reason whenever i go to upgrade spells and i hit /ma scribe on the merchant, my toon buys spells i already have scribed and is making me lose money, any ideas?
    make sure you have the box clicked for show useable only on the vendor screen
    Last edited: May 29, 2023