Greetings, I'm porting over from a previous install. I have everything setup and working, but MQ2AutoLogin is not autopopulating clients started using a .bat file. Is there a setting somewhere I am missing? Usernames and passes are all populated correctly in the MQ2AutoLogin.ini. Thanks.
Let me try my best to quickly break this down for you. PART1. You need a CLIENT opened with a username filled in ON OPEN. Mq2Autologin IS NOT PART OF THIS! Example1. Make a shortcut with your username included C:\Games\ROF2_OFF\eqgame.exe patchme -h /login:username001 This will open up 1 client correctly, many shortcuts are needed. Example2. Run a batch file with your username included tasklist /nh /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq Adam" | find /i "eqgame.exe" > nul ||(start "Adam" /d "c:\Games\ROF2Main" "c:\Games\ROF2Main\eqgame.exe" patchme -h /login:username001) && (timeout /t 20) tasklist /nh /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq Beauty" | find /i "eqgame.exe" > nul ||(start "Beauty" /d "c:\Games\ROF2Mini" "c:\Games\ROF2Mini\eqgame.exe" patchme -h /login:username002) && (timeout /t 20) tasklist /nh /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq Evil" | find /i "eqgame.exe" > nul ||(start "Evil" /d "c:\Games\ROF2Mini" "c:\Games\ROF2Mini\eqgame.exe" patchme -h /login:username005) && (timeout /t 20) This will open up multiple clients correctly, only 1 batch file is needed for all accounts. PART2. AFTER CLIENT is opened with a username in Mq2Autologin TAKES OVER and FILLS IN THE PASSWORD AND SUBMITS IT! It will use the mq2autologin.ini file. Make sure you are following the example. The first thing it will do ... is Read the username ... and then attach the correct password and try to login. * If you dont get a password attempt, open 1 client manual and type in /plugin mq2autologin and then try again **If you still dont get a password attempt, open your mq2autologin.ini file. Make sure oyu have the section [username001] That matches the username in your client. Make sure it includes the password. PART3. AFTER USERNAME/PASSWORD SUCCESSFUL - MQ2AUTOLOGIN will SELECT THE SERVER It will use the mq2autologin.ini file The eqemu login server and the peqtgc login server use DIFFERENT names. If it fails it might be the reason! PART4. AFTER SERVER SELECT - MQ2Autologin will select the character Make sure the character is Spelled correctly, 1st letter caps, and under the CORRECT username. You will see Selecting NAME in X seconds. It will attempt to auto select the character. PART 5. DONE
Hi Chance, Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, none of this is applicable. The process is failing on Part 2. The batch file and clients are setup correctly. The only thing that changed in this is the EQ game path. The client opens correctly, populates the name field, and just stops. MQ2AutoLogin doesn't appear to be injecting the passwords as intended. EDIT: Example batch lines: C: CD C:\Games\ROF2Main START eqgame.exe patchme -h /login:[REDACTED]) && (timeout /t 6)
Found my problem: UseMQ2Login=1 needs to be set to 0. Once I changed that, all the boxes opened and logged in properly. Thanks!
Hi so kind of a noob question im not very familiar with MQ or e3 or whatever on Example2. Run a batch file with your username included how do you run a batch file with it? I cant find the file itself I really appericate your feedback
Mq2 is a requirement for you to use autologin. If you are new to mq2/ e3 .... Check out