New Feature: Rod of Mystical Transvergence

Discussion in 'E3' started by mrelephant, Jul 20, 2019.

  1. mrelephant

    mrelephant Orc Pawn

    Howdy folks, I would like to contribute a little snippet I added which allows E3 to take advantage of a very useful capability of the magician class. If your mage doesn't already have the spell "Mass Mystical Transvergence," then step 1 is to grab that first. This spell summons a cannibalization rod with 3-charges for all nearby allies. Each charge converts 450 HP to 360 Mana, with a 5-minute recast.

    This snippet will only auto-click a rod for you if it is already in your inventory and not on cooldown (similar to cleric epic auto-click functionality); it does not auto-cast the magician spell or do the /autoinv for the rods. I intend to use this by summoning rods right before a longer raid fight (certain MPG raid trials for example), but theoretically this could be helpful when clearing trash around a zone.

    File: Macros\e3 Includes\
    Modifications: 2 (additions)

    Modification 1: Approx Line # 16

    SUB check_Buffs
    /if (!${combatTimer} && ${Me.CombatState.NotEqual[COMBAT]} && !${Assisting} && !${Me.Moving} && ${BuffCheck}) {
    /if (${Defined[SelfBuffs2D]}) /call buffBots "SelfBuffs2D"
    /if (${Defined[BotBuffs2D]}) /call buffBots "BotBuffs2D"
    /if (${Defined[auraSpells2D]}) /call checkAuras
    /if (!${Select[${Me.Class.ShortName},MNK,BER,WAR,ROG,BRD]}) /call clickRod
    /if (${Debug} || ${Debug_BuffCheck}) /echo <== buffCheck -|

    Modification 2: Anywhere (I put it at the bottom of the file)

    |- Clicks a mage canni rod (Mystical Rod of Transvergence) if appropriate. -|
    |- 1. Must be a caster or hybrid of some type -|
    |- 2. Must be worth clicking (have some mana already used) -|
    |- 3. Must be relatively healthy (with an exception if we are running out of mana) -|
    SUB clickRod
    /if (${Debug} || ${Debug_BuffCheck}) /echo |- clickRod ==>
    /declare rodName string local Rod of Mystical Transvergence
    /if (${FindItemCount[=${rodName}]} < 1 || ${FindItem[=${rodName}].Timer} > 0) /return
    /if (${Math.Calc[${Me.MaxMana}-${Me.CurrentMana}]} > 500 && ${Me.CurrentHPs} > 1000) {
    /if (${Me.PctHPs} > 65 || ${Me.CurrentMana} <= 1400) {
    /itemnotify "${rodName}" rightmouseup
    /if (${Debug} || ${Debug_BuffCheck}) /echo <== clickRod -|

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