Possible e3 bug - or feature request :)

Discussion in 'E3' started by mrelephant, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. mrelephant

    mrelephant Orc Pawn


    I discovered an issue with the e3 macro today. The issue was discovered while using 6.1 but after upgrading to 6.2 it continued.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Using a pet class (lvl 40 BST in my case) create a brand new e3-generated ini file for your character.
    2. Set Pet Spell=<some pet spell name>
    3. Set Pet Buff=<some pet buff name>
    4. Run the macro
    5. Notice how the character will summon the pet, but not buff it
    The reason is because line 345 in the e3_BuffCheck.inc file sets BuffCheck to TRUE only if one of the following types of buffs are defined in the ini file: Instant, Self, Bot, or Combat. If only pet buffs are defined, they will not work because line 14 in the e3_Pets.inc file requires BuffCheck to be TRUE in order to buff pets.

    I think it would be appropriate to separate these concerns and not have the pet buff check be dependent on non-pet related buff settings.

  2. tiger_eyes1

    tiger_eyes1 Orc Pawn

    Below is how I have my pet spells written for my Shaman. I don't get the coding so I can't help with that, but it does work. In the past, i've had to delete and re-write the entire INI. Can you post how you have yours written exactly?

    Pet Spell=Frenzied Spirit
    Pet Heal=
    Pet Buff=Spirit Quickening
  3. cream

    cream GM Staff Member

    pet buffs will default BuffCheck to TRUE in the next release of e3.

    you can update e3_pets with the bold in the meantime.

    /if (${petSpell.Size}>0) /call BuildSpellArray "petSpell" "petSpell2D"
    /if (${petBuffs.Size}>0) {
    /varset BuffCheck TRUE
    /call BuildSpellArray "petBuffs" "petBuffs2D"

    /if (${petHeal.Size}>0) /call BuildSpellArray "petHeal" "petHeal2D"