Got a weird one happening here, I have a batch file that launches my toons I currently have up and running as I'm sure everyone does. It's 2 groups/12 toons. My problem is that if it's on a cold start, for example after a restart the first toon in the second group will not load. If however MQ2 and eqbc is up and running already then it has no problem loading all 12. Anyone have any ideas on a fix to this that doesn't involve logging out the second group and running the batch file I have created to load them ? I know some will say just load up another instance and load up the toon that didn't log in but then they are out of order and that sets off my OCD. Any help would be appreciated.
What is your PING line set to in the Batch File? This is the Delay before it starts the next one. You may have to make it wait longer PING localhost -n 30 -w 4000 >> NULL
Ummm don't have any line that looks anything like that in there, I just edited the batch file that came with the download and put my info in there. At the end of each line (toon and account) is "&& (timeout /t 8)" What it does I have no clue. I have tried increasing that 8 to 16 on the 6th toon thinking that that increases the time between before it launches the 7th toon but that didn't do anything, It still won't launch on a cold start
The number is pause in seconds. "timeout /t 30 /nobreak" would wait 30 seconds even if a key is pressed. Without the /nobreak, the pause would end if a key is pressed.
As a troubleshooting idea, please reconsider. Try with just #6. No other toons in the ini. Does it load or does it have the same cold start problem? Change #6 and #12. Just swap them in the ini. Does everything load? Erase #6. Do 1 through 11 load? Duplicate #6: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Does everything load? Also, what do you mean by "will not load?" What does it do correctly and what does it fail to do? Be specific. There are many steps in the login process...
Ultrax I messed around with the bat file last night before bed, and added the /nobreak at the end of the 6th account, after the && (timeout /t 8). Today I have tried launching after a cold start twice and all 12 loaded. So apparently something was interrupting the launch of the 7th account but continuing on with account 8 to 12. I'd say it might be because it's changing directory since I have multiple installs done and use each install for each group but it changes directory after the first account since thats the main and has all the game bells and whistles enabled where the other installs are gimped to save resources. Tharsis, It was not loading the 7th account up. I have the batch file set up to load 12 accounts (2 grps) but it was always skipping the 7th account if MQ2 and EQBC were no already up and running from a previous gaming session.
I have my timeout set to 10 and I load an alternate directory on the 7th character and haven't had a problem loading 24. If I have a character disconnect for some reason I have a single line bat to reload them, though they will be out of order in windows tab list.