Weird issue with characters

Discussion in 'E3' started by Kreegothx, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. Kreegothx

    Kreegothx Orc Pawn

    I have a weird issue where sometimes characters camp out randomly (This is not due to invis or anything common like that)
    It seems to be random but I have had it happen to quite a number of classes including Clerics, Bards and a Shadowknight.

    The Mq2 error message output is
    DoCommand- Couldnt parse "/Popup ***meditating***
    references line 1037 in and e3.mac@55 (/Call check_medbreak)

    It also shows
    DoCommand- Couldnt parse "/sit"
    referencing line 1047 in e3_basics@1047 and e3.mac@55 (/Call Check_medbreak)
    I referenced both of these lines below in yellow text.

    My med hold macro has all casters and healers except my shaman med hold. So it is odd that it affecting bards and Sks too.

    e3_basics 1037 and 1047 below

    /if (!${Me.Feigning}) {
    /if (!${medbreak_Popup_Timer}) {
    /popup ***Meditating***
    /varset medbreak_Popup_Timer 30
    | end MedBreak when we are full mana or end for melee, unless hold is engaged
    /if (${medBreak} && !${medBreak_Hold} && (${Me.PctMana} >= 99 || (${Me.MaxMana} ==0 && ${Me.PctEndurance}>=99))) {
    /docommand ${ChatToggle} Full Mana/Endurance, ending MedBreak.
    /if (${Me.Sitting}) /stand
    /varset medBreak FALSE
    /varset medBreak_Hold FALSE
    } else {
    /if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && !${Me.Moving}) /sit

    e3.mac Line 55 below

    /if (${medBreak}) /call check_MedBreak
  2. Kreegothx

    Kreegothx Orc Pawn

    To update. Often when this happens. I cannot log the character back in and need to restart EQ for that character.

    On the bards their ui comes up missing all their hotbuttons.(there are X's on all of them)
    I will try to screen cap it next time.

    *Added picture of issue.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018