DZ Expedition System Testing

Discussion in 'General' started by Akkadius, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    After 6+ months of a massive amount of incredible work by HG; we have a solid Dynamic Zones / Expedition system in place ready to be tested

    This is a massive step forward and a key component needed going into Shared Tasks work which is the last "jobs to be done" in order to piece the rest of Dragons of Norrath together and ultimately Depths of Darkhollow as well


    Expeditions to be Tested

    HG went through and rewrote all of the following expeditions already and need to be tested
    • Barindu Sewer Expeditions x4 (rewritten/flag changes)
    • Vxed (rewritten/some flag changes)
    • Tipt (rewritten/some flag changes)
    • Ikkinz group trials 1-3 (lots of missing dialogue added on requester)
    • MPG group trials x6
    • MPG raid trials x6
    • Dranik Catacombs x3
    • Dranik Sewers x3
    • Dranikscar Hollows x3
    • LDON (everfrost x1 mirb) (rewritten)
    • LDON (ecommons x2 rujd, rujg)
    • LDON (butcher x1 mmcc)
    • LDON (South Ro x2 guke, gukg)
    • Rogue 1.5 epic (oasis -- hateplaneb)
    • Rogue 2.0 epic (natimbi -- mirb)
    • Paladin 2.0 epic (natimbi -- dranikhollowsc)
    • Paladin 2.0 epic (felwithe -- mmcc)
    • Paladin 1.5 epic (nedaria -- dranikcatacombsa)
    Expeditions still to be Implemented or Rewritten
    • Plane of Time
    • GoD Raids (ikkinz 1-4, uqua, qvic, etc)
    Test Server

    The test server is ProjectEQ - Sandbox and its on the ProjectEQ Loginserver

    As of this writing; if you've had a character logged into PEQ Live in the past week; your character should be copied onto the server


    • Please test for basic functionality of expeditions
    • Please test for proper lockout functionality, DZ system functionality
    • Please provide screenshots and data with things that appear to be off
    • Please test for break/exploit through /dzadding to make sure there's no ways to bypass lockouts
    Expedition System? I never used it on live, how does it work?

    If you are unfamiliar with how this system works, Drogerin put together a great mechanics thread some time ago

    Bug Rewards

    Any valid exploits reported will be rewarded with considerable bug points

    General bugs will also be rewarded as well

    If you have any questions please post in this thread!
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. toastsniffer187

    toastsniffer187 Orc Pawn

    will we be generated chars to beat these instances? Or do we have to be of strength to do these?
  3. Drogerin

    Drogerin GM Staff Member

    Your PEQ characters are already copied over, if they are not strong enough to do the content then no, new ones are not created.
  4. Dimmwitt

    Dimmwitt Orc Pawn

    just did the boss kill Ldon from Butcherblock mostly worked rite had a few Mobs stay on my extended target window even after i lost agro on them with my monk and i don't know if it was the instance that caused it but my SK bot kept going stupid and stopped attacking mid fight i had to keep re calling my assist to get him to start fighting again and when the Ldon was over and it booted me out it kicked me to bind instead of rite outside of the entrance to the Dungeon like it should have besides that it worked good i made one of my toons go LD durring and np getting him back into the mission and had a few deaths along the way also rezzing inside the mission wasnt a problem either overall a good time... tried to upload screenshots but its saying they to big and not acceptable file extension.. also not sure if its something you guys are working on or not already but when group leader goes LD or drops group the whole group disbands on live it usually makes the person who has been in group the longest leader when that happens it happened on both the test server and on the live PEQ server
  5. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Commands DZQuit and DZPlayerList don't return any message if you are not assigned to a dynamic zone. Might by nice to just return some message indicating the command was registered but couldn't proceed. DZAddPlayer shoots back "You could not use this command because you are not currently assigned to a dynamic zone." Could possibly add that to all the commands
  6. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Apprentice Udranda not responding to hails for tipt/vxed.

    Attached Files:

  7. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    High Priest Diru Riwirn not responding to hails for Barindu Sewer Expeditions. I did try just running to the zone in, nothing happened.

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  8. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Functionality of DZAddPlayer, playerlist, listtimer, removeplayer, swapplayer, makeleader all working normally.

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  9. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Zone in point for Frozen Nightmare placed some characters under the world and others at the zone in. Looking at map the characters under the world zoned in closer to the middle of the zone.

    Zoned in a 2nd time and the same characters who zoned in under the world did so again while the same characters who zoned in at the correct point also did so again.

    I would say this one may be a client side bug but all toons are using the same EQ directory so the files are the same. Some characters zone in correctly and others do not.

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    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
  10. Drogerin

    Drogerin GM Staff Member

    while for convenience it would be nice we’re keeping it as live like as possible, we can test to see if it should include a message.

    this is going to be the base for other servers to grab so we don’t want any custom stuff.
  11. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    Quitting a DZ/Expedition kicks the player out of the zone appropriately. Was less than 5 mins, no timer showed.
  12. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    I don't remember the correct location where corpses come out when you die in an expedition, I thought it was supposed to be at the zone in to the expedition... Corpses popped out at the wrong instance location for Frozen Nightmare.

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  13. Cryk

    Cryk Orc Pawn

    If you /bcaa //dzquit on all characters but one of them is linkdead, that character stays in the instance but the leader changes to a character that already quit... My intention was to remove everyone from the instance so this was just an accidentally bug I found. I suppose if you made a mistake and removed everyone but one character this could be an issue since you can't re-add on the sole remaining toon in the expedition. I tried to /dzaddplayer on the leader toon which did not work.

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  14. Ridiculous

    Ridiculous Orc Pawn

    I had this happed recently also. Was not in an instance. For separation of potential world and instance issues.
  15. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    Please keep thread responses to as few posts as possible

    There should be a Barindu fix going in soon as well as a fix for the offline leader issues; pending work from HG
  16. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    Sandbox is updated with Barindu fixes and leader election changes
  17. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

  18. Akkadius

    Akkadius Administrator Staff Member

    If you want to do intensive testing; we can give you the GM commands to manipulate the DZ lockouts and clear things

    All accounts that have played on PEQ Live in the past week are transferred over to Sandbox with GM commands to manipulate #dz (6,000+ accounts)
  19. Denzig

    Denzig Orc Centurion

    Placeholder post for Denzig's notes. Will edit as I go.

    Barindu Sewer Expeditions x4 (rewritten/flag changes)
    Vxed (rewritten/some flag changes)
    Tipt (rewritten/some flag changes)
    Ikkinz group trials 1-3 (lots of missing dialogue added on requester)
    MPG group trials x6
    MPG raid trials x6--Endurance, Specialization completed
    Dranik Catacombs x3
    Dranik Sewers x3
    Dranikscar Hollows x3
    LDON (everfrost x1 mirb) (rewritten)
    LDON (ecommons x2 rujd, rujg)
    LDON (butcher x1 mmcc)
    LDON (South Ro x2 guke, gukg)
    Rogue 1.5 epic (oasis -- hateplaneb)
    Rogue 2.0 epic (natimbi -- mirb)
    Paladin 2.0 epic (natimbi -- dranikhollowsc)
    Paladin 2.0 epic (felwithe -- mmcc)
    Paladin 1.5 epic (nedaria -- dranikcatacombsa)

    /dzmakeleader when toon is offline:


    MPG Raid Mastery of Endurance completed. Lockout timer 10 days but #lockouts shows 31 minutes.


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    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
  20. hg

    hg GM

    Like Drogerin said this is live behavior

    Not sure if this is related to the dz zone in code or not. Did this always occur for the same character races? (I see a barbarian and dark elf, did you have another Barbarian and dark elf this didn't occur on?)

    This is a database/graveyard location bug (unrelated)

    Akkadius already mentioned this should be fixed. This involved some large changes so more testing around /dzmakeleader and offline/linkdead leader change scenarios (especially with characters spread across zones) would be appreciated.

    This double dipped your lockout timer but I think I see the issue from the original quest script
    You can ignore the quest debug messages, those are unrelated

    #lockouts isn't used with this system. It shouldn't be returning anything for this so I'll look into cleaning it up some more
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020